Editing FrancesHocutt
Has now graduated. Archived for posterity. Definitely not Lori despite her frequent symbolic use of llamas. Really. Trust me on this one. ('''Not''' fully and completely, the way that Jonathan claims to trust Lori.) No evil plots, either (is NotEvil. Really. ''And if you belive that, I've got a bridge you might be interested in buying...''). Would never, ever come up with GreatEvil, especially when she's tired. In 2004-2005 she confused people by living in upstairs backhall as a sophomore, and the year before that she lived in LindeDorm (don't ask her why) and moved to SouthDorm at the semester, where she was much happier. Yes, that was frosh year. Had the trend continued she would have been a ZerothFloorEastie her senior year (no idea what that is), but instead she hit the ground and bounced. *A CS major living on the ground floor? ''Perish the thought! (No disrespect intended to the many such denizens of backhall. Very much not a road I would take, however.)''-FrancesHocutt She and ChrisErickson served as EastDormPresidents with MacKenzieStuart as GrandVizier. She has also been a DormMole (aka EtherBunny) and was happy to see chem majors starting to appear among the sophomores. In 2006-2007 she was EastDormProctor and lived upstairs in ProctorSuite. Is no longer theoretically a MathMajor. Is now a real ChemMajor. She finally finished re-re-thinking her major, as she found the CheMistry department a wonderful thing some summers ago. She helped redo the frosh labs with new shiny computers and equipment. Yes, that's right. No, that wasn't an EvilLaugh you just heard. Very much enjoys ContraDancing, though tends not to have the motivation. Proctor contra dancing trips were the second Saturday of every month. Occasionally will screech if poked. Watch your eardrums. ----- '''Schedule, Spring 2007:''' CHEM 152 GreatEvil, Take Two 2.0 arr. CHEM 182 Why We Don't (Usually) Die 3.0 T R 08:10 09:20 CHEM 112 Not Breaking Expensive Mach--er, Instruments 1.0 T 13:15 17:15 CHEM 199 Seminar 0.0 T 11:00 12:00 CLAS 051b Just Jurors Judging and Other Thrilling Tales 3.0 MTWR 10:00 10:50 ???? ??? ...And Again, Two Thousand Years Later 3.0 arr. RLST 179 Liberation Theology: The Americas 3.0 M 13:00 16:00 PE 4.x Not Stepping On Others' Feet 0.5i M W 19:00 20:00 PE 1.05 Moving Pointy Things at High Velocities 0.5i M W 11:00 12:00 JOB 58 Carbons Grutoring 1.5i arr. J&J 101 Apartment Draw ?.?i LDR 179 Relationship Seminar 3.0i (Correspondence Course) Total: 15.0 + 6.0i ''Schedule template ganked from some combination of DanCicio and BrianYoung.'' ----- Quotes: "There is a difference between philosophy and *crass* *biscuit* **mongering**!" --FrancesHocutt In reference to the supposed homosexuality of SpongeBobSquarePants: "There's a reason he's so absorbent!" --FrancesHocutt * "And has so many holes." --KevinBergemann From Harris's ''Quantitative Chemical Analysis'' regarding solving equilibrium problems: "Just when the world looks grim, the Good Chemist comes galloping down the hill on her white stallion to rescue us with some hints." From the same, Reason no. 5 why you should not try to make a buffer by adding a salt and the conjugate acid: "You will probably make an arithmetic error anyway." From a J. Org. Chem. style guide: "Please write in the active tense: 'A was added to B' rather than 'to a solution of B was added A.'" ----- CategoryHomePage WikiWhore2006 WikiWhore2007 DormArtisan KissingComplete
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