Editing FroshAuction
The rules (as amended by their original author MarkEphair and edited by PhilMiller) of the frosh auction are as follows: # by winning a frosh, you only get rights to say to the frosh "i won you at an auction." you can not make them do anything, or not do anything. # you might be inclined to adopt your frosh. treat it nice. # Swooping is a crime punishable by torment and humiliation # maximum of one (1) frosh per person. # you may win a frosh and then give him/her to someone else on schmack # the following are instructions on how to win a frosh: ## pick a frosh you want to win ## take the letters of the frosh's name, and make an anagram that makes sense. ## post to schmack and say why your anagram is a good anagram for that frosh (yes, i know you haven't met the frosh yet, probably. i dont care) ## get made fun of by Kurt, Nate, John Walseth, or any current or former dorm president or proctor for something you said in your email # after you have completed ALL of the requirements listed in #6, you have now succeeded in winning your frosh. congratulations! # if this is your second or later frosh, please indicate to schmack to whom you grant your frosh-rights. NOTE: these are not all east-frosh, frosh from other dorms can be auctioned ---- 2010 Frosh Auction Results *MattKeeter wins AlexaSerrato with "astral exo-ear" (awarded by MatthewLawson) *XandaSchofield wins CarlingSugarman with "alarming car guns" and not "curling anagrams" (awarded by PiCo) *StephanieLevins wins MadelineGoldkamp with “Dan milked lame G.O.P” (awarded by PhilMiller) *SaraGussin wins JoshuaVazquez with "jazz quash oeuv" (awarded by PhilMiller) *JeffreyHemphill wins SamuelCGutekunst with "sun-cut mesa, elk tug", "a glue/nut mess tuck(ed)", "at Emu’s Gluten-Suck", and “CUTE GNU, LEAST MUSK!” (awarded by PhilMiller, who doesn't know where all that extra punctuation or effort came from) All of the following were made fun of by JohnWalseth *JenniRinker wins KatyAnderson with "non-tardy sake" *AaronGable wins LaurenNishizaki with "Zen Lair Haiku Sin" *LeeWiyninger wins ObosaObazuaye with "Abe, you Saab zoo" *CaitlinJacques wins KatherineMuller with "Ur, the Name Killer" *ChrisFerguson wins DavidLingenbrink with "Band Gin: Vile Drink!!!" *LizSarapata wins DariaanneRydzak with "darker, zany naiad" *KatieBennett wins MorganLuckey with either "My lunar gecko" or "racy monk luge" ---- 2009 Frosh Auction Results *ChrisFerguson wins Cory Evans-Klock with "Skanky Clove-Roc" *WilliamGrabill wins Trevor Apple with "Vorpal Peter" *AlanKraut wins Xanda Schofield with "Heraldic Sand Fox" (the 'r' comes from Xandra as originally posted on the roster) *RichardBowen wins Michael Bowerman with "Belair Ammo Wench" *KatieBennett wins Allison Card with "A Nil Clad Sora" ---- 2008 Frosh Auction Results *TrystanKoch wins Natalie Nagata with "At Alien Gnat Aa" *MarcDavidson wins Anak Yodpinyanee with "Aye, Kidnap Anyone" *RichardBowen wins Colin O'Bryne with "Brie Only Con" *PeterTu wins Kristen Schunter with "Cute, stern shrink" ---- 2007 Frosh Auction Results: *ZviEffron gets Daniel Moore with "Laid One More". *KellyWalsh gets Madeleine Ong with "Demon Lineage". *AndrewTaylor gets Beky Kotcon with "Toy Cokk, 'Ben'" (where he's getting the spare comma and quotation marks we may never know). **Objections have been raised to this one about being disrespectful of the incoming frosh, as well as misspelled. ***Objections have been raised to YourMom *BrianaKonigsberg gets Dmitri Skjorshammer with "Shirk Major Midterms". *JayMarkello gets Kevin Yeung with "Keen Ivy Gun". ---- Do we have a list of the froshies for 2004-05 yet? Eek eek? ---- The following people have won frosh in the auction: * MicahSmukler won ChadFoerster with "Decrease froth" * JoshMiddendorf won CalPierog with "OraclePig" The following people have currently pending attempts to win frosh in the auction, but have not yet been made fun of: ---- The results of the 2000-2001 FroshAuction is as follows: * KurtDresner won Jessica L. Nelson (FessNelson) with "sell nice ass, Jon". * MarySullivan won Elijah Bogart with "Job at Raleigh". * KendraNelson won JessicaHoover with "her coo' ass jive". * JoeFrosh won Katherine Todd-Brown (KatheToddBrown) with "Think Brew Deodorant". * MarySullivan won Eric O. Angell (EricAngell) with "A Rigel Clone" and gave him to BrieFinger. * MarySullivan won AdrianScott with "A Ton Drastic" and gave him to MinervaWelling * MarySullivan won Zachary Andree (ZakAndree) with "A Red Hyena Czar" and gave him to ShannonKelley * ChrisLundberg won TaraMartin with "Rat Martian", "Main Rat Art", "In a art mart", and "I'm a tar rat". * DanielLowd won Nikhil Gheewala with "When I like lag, ha!". * NickJohnson won Candace M. Church (CandaceChurch) with "Munch card cache". * MicahSmukler won Elizabeth Main (LizMain) with "Hi! I'm a Zen table!" * DanielOsborn won Dena Bodzin with "Bad end in Oz". * JoshMiddendorf won Stephanie Grush (StephGrush) with "Sure aspen thigh". * JustinPava won JoseluisEspinosa with "ANSI Jesus? Loose Pi!".
This change is a minor edit.
to set your user name.)