Editing JessicaFisher
JessicaFisher was a ComputerScience major (one of the FemaleCsMajors) and graduated in 2004. She was last seen with BenZeckel in Providence, RI. Apparently married BenZeckel on October 6, 2007. She is also leaving the rest of this wiki node unchanged for posterity, even though it is really no longer applicable at all! --- JessicaFisher is also your local source of the following (see my lists on the MovieCollection and BookCollection pages): * Japanese rock/pop music and videos * Jrock magazines/pictures of pretty men in makeup and women's clothing * Yaoi anime/manga (if you don't know what that means, chances are you don't want to know) * Yaoi/slash fanfic links * Shoujo anime/manga Please don't confuse JessicaFisher with JessicaHoover or FessNelson! Jessica is currently: * updating her wiki node '''Recommendations:''' Music - Japanese: * LarcEnCiel * Hyde -- singer from LarcEnCiel, but has put out a solo album that's absolutely amazing! * UtadaHikaru * PlasticTree * ShiinaRingo * HamasakiAyumi * PierRot (That's Pierrot, not Pier Rot!) * MaliceMizer * DirEnGrey * Gackt Music - other: * U2 * Depeche Mode * The Smashing Pumpkins * Enya * Loreena McKennit * Tori Amos Movies: * KunDun * Raise the Red Lanterns (Chinese) * StrictlyBallroom Musicals: * Miss Saigon Books: * the Kushiel's Legacy trilogy by Jacqueline Carey * TheEnchantedForestChronicles by Patricia C. Wrede * anything else by Patricia C. Wrede * the Young Wizards series by Diane Duane (first two or three, anyway) * HarryPotter books by J. K. Rowling * TheDarkIsRising Sequence by Susan Cooper * Did you notice that these are all by female authors? Hm. ''My advice: Go find non-recent Diana Wynne Jones (anything not published in the last 5-6 years). They occupy a very similar slot in the universe to the above books, and in general are (I think) superior to all of them except possibly Susan Cooper.-MicahSmukler'' * the Nightrunner series by Lynn Flewelling (and related trilogy starting with The Bone Doll's Twin . . . next book should be out next year!) * the Last Herald-Mage trilogy by Mercedes Lackey * something different: Conrad's Heart of Darkness FanFic: * SakuraAndSnow by NatalieBaan * anything else by NatalieBaan * just about anything by Kuwabara no Miko (Becki) and/or Talya Firedancer (aka Alyssa Tay Tanoko) * check out some of Joyce Sun's (AKA Rhoddlet) current fiction. I've known her for years and she's really developed as a writer, but sometimes her things are a little too angsty for me. ---- ''Describe JessicaFisher here'' *she's a cutie and a half. *She enjoys tissue-box shaped Japanese icons of craziness and flat panda bears. *She's out of control!!! ---- CategoryHomePage
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