Editing MasterPiece
Concept and design created by EvilSouthie. Game coded by ZachClegg, with touchups by EvilSouthie. Named by NateCappallo. Has the distinction of being thought up, coded, tested, fixed, distributed, competed, and rejected by game companies all within four days. The easy version can be found at http://www.brianroney.com/gridgame/GridGame.html The hard version is at http://www.brianroney.com/~broney/hardgrid/GridGame.html Now available through the iPhone App store: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=290155690&mt=8 (opens iTunes) Also now available as an app on Facebook: http://apps.facebook.com/masterpiecegame/ Instructions: Click on the square where you want the top left of the "current piece" to go. If it fits, it places. If not, it doesn't. When a row or a column is filled, that row or column is cleared. The goal is to keep enough clear space around that pieces can continue to be placed. *''I'm not sure whether to describe it as 2-D Tetris or 3-D tetris. I think it's N+1-D tetris where N is the number of dimensions you would assign to "normal" Tetris. --DuctTapeGuy, who stinks at Tetris'' * Feels a lot like [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tringo Tringo], but with different clearing rules. --AndrewFarmer Top scores (scores are for the web version, and are not transferable to iphone or facebook due to minor board/scoring changes)- Hard- 9130 JoseluisEspinosa 8880 ChrisErickson 8190 FrancesHocutt 7050 MorganConbere 6520 MeganThorsen 6110 LucasBaker 5470 CubeSchnaider 5210 ClayHambrick 5050 ChainMaille (One move short of a double clear, too) 4910 NateCappallo 4210 VivaHorowitz 3700 EvilSouthie (I suck at my own game! Woo!) 90 ChainMaille (Getting lower would be...tough) 80 FrancesHocutt (but possible) 50 MikeBuchanan (quite possible) Easy - 46260 EvilSouthie'''''s dad (yay for addicting people!) 42470 MikeBuchanan 28400 JoseluisEspinosa 22180 EvilSouthie 18540 CubeSchnaider Quotes: * RobinBaur: "I believe you have just spelled the end of my productivity for the evening. Good job." * Amber: "This damn game is habit-forming!" * VivaHorowitz: "Wasn't I going to bed before? Grrr." * JeffBrenion: (paraphrased since I can't remember the exact quote): "Meh, froshies don't need their grading tomorrow anyway, right?"
This change is a minor edit.
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