Editing MattKeeter
An alum from the class of 2011. Finished up his MS at MIT's [http://cba.mit.edu/ Center for Bits and Atoms] in spring of 2013. He is now an engineer at [http://formlabs.com Formlabs]. If you're in Cambridge / Boston, come say hi! ---- He has [http://fab.cba.mit.edu/classes/MAS.863/people/matthew.keeter/index.html many] [http://cba.mit.edu/~matt.keeter/ interesting] [http://www.mattkeeter.com web sites]! They might be more up-to-date than this page. ---- Matt is from Atlanta, Georgia. At Mudd, he has lived in the following places: *Frosh year: East 121 with PeterTu, suiting with HamsterBob and ScottAlmond *Post-frosh summer: Sontag with MichaelBraly, suiting with RudyResch and MartyField *Sophmore year: BroSuite with MichaelNoback, suiting with DmitriSkjorshammer and AlexMcAuley. *Post-soph summer: MattKeeter did not exist for this summer *Junior year: East 158 with WilliamGrabill, suiting with frosh *Post-junior summer: Sontag, suiting with MaddyOng, JennaRyon, StephanieLevins, and DanMoore *Senior year: ProctorSuite with ChrisFerguson He likes: * Rock climbing * Poi * Longboarding * BluesDancing * CCBDC * Programming things * Meeting new people * Arduinos and other hardware hackery * and much much more! He is entertained by MarkovQuotes. He wants to know more about the NewReality. * It seems like it was written by ChrisFloraTostado, based on the style of his comment on JoseluisEspinosa's page. ** I'm 99% confident that it was written by ProfessorGeaghan. *** It was definitely Geaghan. How did Geaghan learn about FunWiki? I do not know. But, Geaghan. **** Oh, Profs have plenty of ways of learning about FunWiki. ProfessorYong has used it for scheduling presentations, and ProfessorOrrison has made indirect reference to it at least once. And apparently someone told Geaghan about it, and he was feeling bored and lonely one day when he moved to New York. ---- Best known for cuddling in EastDormLounge with a different girl every night of the first week of his frosh year. This has led to the creation of the MattNumber, which is similar to a HelenNumber or ErdosNumber, except it deals with people who have cuddled with Matthew. *Impressive. Skanky. *Matt would like to claim minor exaggeration on the part of Sara, as he can only think of 3 or 4 in the first month. Unless you count leaning as cuddling, in which case the number is higher. *PeterTu would like to state that from his roommate's point of view, due to Lorentz transformation, the real number of girls is likely to be higher by a factor of the square root of 1 - v^2/c^2 ** That doesn't make sense - girls are a discrete quantity. The density of girls might change, but the number of girls would stay the same. *** Are you calling the girls fat? *** He's calling them evil: *** Girls = Time x Money *** Time = Money *** Girls = (Money)^2 *** Money = sqrt(Evil) [Money is the root of all evil] *** Girls = Evil QED **** I object to being called fat. ***** I second that objection. ... i see one of those endless debates coming on soon =='' it's always a trap. ****** Was there any chance of it not being a trap? ******* It wouldn't be a trap if it were opposite day. ******** Is the trap tasty? ********* No, but it is delicious ********** Are you sure about that? *********** That's what she said ************ Wow I wonder how long these can carry on for. ************* OVER NINE THOUSAND! ************** Units? *************** Bullets, then, I presume. **************** O RLY? ***************** YA RLY! ****************** OMGWTFBBQ! ******************* Wow this can really go on for a long time. ******************** Is anyone else tempted to try to form more interesting shapes with bullet points? ********************* I think that was the last one possible though. ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************I think you're right. But why 20? *************************************************There are 20 different types of amino acids. *************************************************Clearly someone didn't check WikiWikiSandbox before trying this. He's fucking MattKeeter * He's fucking MattKeeter! ** I'm sorry, but it's true. He's fucking MattKeeter * He's fucking MattKeeter! ** And not imagining it's you. ---- Quote: "Professor Haskell? We're having an earthquake right now." (to a person eating cheese) "Wait, are you vegan?" ---- CategoryHomePage EastDormClassOf2011
This change is a minor edit.
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