Editing MatthewLawson
An EastDorm SketchyAlumn (gosh I'm old) who formerly lived in UnderStair, known for making odd noises, wearing odd hats, and carrying around a big stick. He is a PhysicsMajor. Enjoys organizing and pulling pranks. Especially big ones. * Just as a note, that stick and those hats are officially ''awesome!'' TorqueDorque, DormCheese, and DormTarpGuy for 2006-2007 EastDormProctor for 2008-2009 TorqueDorque, DormJock, and one of the EastDormPresidents for 2007-2008 One of the instigators of the EpicBeforeHoes incident Formerly worked at Sandia National Labs, where he shines large lasers on flames. Currently a GradStudent at UCDavis in physics. Was often in the Lounge in the 2013-2014 school year due to extreme levels of sketchiness.
This change is a minor edit.
to set your user name.)