Editing NerdyPeopleThatAreSexy
In response to NerdyThingsThatAreSexy, the "GoodIdea''''''s from MorganConbere" department brings you the one and only NerdyPeopleThatAreSexy! *PhilMiller *HannahHoersting *NataliePortman ** Has an Erdos Number! * James Bond * Bond Girls * Danica McKeller * Vin Diesel ** AndrewHunter thinks he's sexy *** Yeah but is he nerdy? **** Plays D&D, and I believe WoW as well. ***** No, he quit WoW. * ClifMobbs ** ChrisRoberts thinks he's sexy ** Seconded by ZviEffron *** He also finds himself sexy **** So his opinion does not count **** I do? * Girls in the lounge ** But not Girl in the lounge *** Actually, Girl in the lounge can be quite fun * Neil Gaiman * Neal Stephenson * Proctor Frances ** And all of the other proctors 2006-2007 ** Ding! * NancyEisenmenger ** Ding! * TimeSuckX ** All four at the same time? * JossWhedon ** Nominated by RichardGarfinkel - His brain is sexy *** Mind over matter **** Ding ***** Thwack! * JennaRyon * RobinDobashi * People that don't put their GirlFriend""s on NerdyPeopleThatAreSexy (and have other sexy qualities, of course...) **I apologize on his behalf. -_- ** Completely agreed. *90% of the people in <i>Firefly</i>. *NicoSayavedra *HendrikOrem (you should see him without a shirt. Rawr.) But now you have to ask, should we have NerdyPeopleThatThinkTheyAreSexy?
This change is a minor edit.
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