Editing PawnDrop
To ChessersPlayer''''''s, there are two sorts of PawnDrop''''''s, depending on which side of the game one is on: On the CheckersSide, a PawnDrop is a vacant DarkSquare on the seventh rank which is unguarded by opposing NormalChecker''''''s or other ChessPieces. On the ChessSide, a PawnDrop is two adjacent vacant squares on the seventh rank. A PawnDrop is useful for (unsurprisingly) dropping a ChessPawn into, as it threatens immediate promotion, usually followed by some degree of havoc. NormalChecker''''''s are useful for plugging PawnDrop ''''''s (defensively). On the CheckersSide, there are frequently better methods of dealing with them available, however, especially as there are far better things to do with a NormalChecker in hand. ''No! Not like that! ;->''
This change is a minor edit.
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