Editing PuttPuttCourse
The PuttPuttCourse (Spring '00) was a pseudo miniature golf course in Hixon Court with a themed hole for each science. * The first hole was the Biology hole, which followed a DNA-shaped path down the stairs of Hixon Court until it reached the railing, where Mr. DNA (TM) stood holding a court order to stop following the Human Genome because it had all been patented. Fortunately, Mr. DNA's "loophole", a 20' long path of connected PVC piping led the player down to the Court, where a Groody guarded the ACME hole. * The second hole, CheMistry, consisted of an Energy Curve Ramp and several molecular structures made out of paper maché and styrofoam. * The third, PhySics, required the player to hit the ball between two Rhinos charging towards each other at 3c/5 into the mouth of a frictionless Pig. * The Math Hole, which was littered with silly chalk drawings and simple poles in complex planes (bad pun), was unfortunately impossible due to the fact that the course was created by a non-linear transformation from R3 to R2. * The ComputerScience "Virtual Hole" was by far the easiest since none of the CS majors had time to build a difficult hole. * Since we don't care about Hum, we didn't put any effort into the HUM hole. In fact, we forgot to set up a hole at the end of the course. Kinda symbolic, don't you think? The PuttPuttCourse was designed by two EastiePerson FreshMen (SillyFrosh and Agent Fluffy Bunny) and was put together by many. Rumor has it that parts of the course are still lying in secret coves around campus.
This change is a minor edit.
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