Editing PuzzlePirates
''You mean, like, that game where the pieces fall down on your pirates?'' --ChrisRoberts Puzzle Pirates is a fairly unique game in that it's best described as a massively multiplayer online puzzle game (The programmers prefer MMOArrrrPG). Each player creates and controls a pirate, who can then wander and sail around the vast ocean, bouncing from island to island, taking jobs with the Navy or joining a pirate crew, and doing various work puzzles. There's a different puzzle for sailing the ship, navigating the ship, repairing the ship, bilging the ship, loading cannons, distilling rum, building ships, creating dyes from herbs, sword fighting, drinking, battles at sea, and anything else I've forgotten. Later on in your pirate career, you can also make money selling or shipping goods (semi-jokingly called "the economy puzzle"), and participate in large-scale conflicts for control of islands and such ("the political puzzle"). Puzzle Pirates was for a long time, subscription based, and people had to pay $10 a month to play the game (although there was a 10-day demo trial that didn't have all the features enabled). Recently (Feb. 18, 2005), Three Rings (the developers) opened up a "Doubloon" server, which is entirely free to play, but costs doubloons to open up some of the more interesting features. Doubloons are purchasable through Three Rings, or can be exchanged for pieces of eight, the normal currency of the ocean (so if you're good enough, you can become an officer or captain without ever spending a dime. Conversely, you can own all sorts of nice stuff without playing very long or very well). Tharrr be the "Viridian" ocean, for those trying to pick it at character creation. (A second doubloon ocean, Sage, opened August 19, 2005; a third, Hunter, opened April 20, 2006.) A number of crews on Viridian (Black Plague, for example) have a decent concentration of Mudders and are generally awesome. Check 'em out if you get the chance. A decent number of folks would like to be yer matey if ye need help to not walk the plank. Feel free to put yer names below if ye'd like to be found. ''So when do we have the all-Mudder war brig pillage? You know it's a GoodIdea. --JulieWortman'' * EvilSouthie plays Broney on the Viridian Ocean, and occasionally Broney on Midnight as well (mostly Viridian). * SeleneTan plays Blackjanet on Midnight (and now on Viridian as well... not sure which I'll keep) * StephGrush plays Kaiel and Furelise on Viridian. Mostly, she plays the "Log on and go 'Dear gods why is cane at 8?!' Game." ** ''I hate that puzzle. --JulieWortman'' * MattWalsh is mostly absent, but has been known to play Elwood on Viridian and occasionally plays Joel on Midnight. * JulieWortman plays Cylene and a wacky cavalcade of alts on Viridian. * JeffBrenion frequently plays Cauzeriste on Viridian. * LauraKanofsky plays Elpollofrio on Viridian. * RobinBaur plays Chalkdust on Viridian. * RichardGarfinkel plays Garp on Viridian... or at least he did, until he got on the wagon. * BenjAzose plays Marmoset on Viridian. * MikeBuchanan played Zwizarr on Viridian. * ChainMaille plays Derakon on Viridian. * FrancesHocutt plays Papercat on Viridian. * JonathanBeall plays Jibbarrish on Viridian. * DanCicio gave in and now plays Sibbie on Viridian. * LoriThomas plays Lokitheblue on Viridian. (And every time they delete her pirates for being away too long, she creates a new Lokithe[color of starting thingies here]) * WillShipley plays Ibian on Viridian. * MicahSmukler plays Ugazar on Sage, and Caratheodory on Viridian * NickJohnson plays Momarette on Viridian * LaurenSchulz plays Caterina on Viridian * TrevinMurakami plays Spellman on Sage * SkyeBerghel plays Lucertola on Sage Also, me hearties, don't be forgettin' to celebrate TalkLikeAPirateDay day. <i>How does one find other people? Do you just have to bump into them?</i> * You can /tell piratename Hi! To see if they're on, and once you've found them you can add them to your hearty list to keep track of them from then on. Alternately you can join a crew and find them that way. Otherwise... yeah, pretty much. * You can also do /who piratename to check if they're online (and where they are) without disturbing them. Ahh, voyeurism. * To make someone your hearty, however, you do just have to bump into them. But /who makes stalking FunAndEasy!
This change is a minor edit.
to set your user name.)