Editing TarunNarayan
Part of the class of 2010. One of those crazy CheMists (and/or Physicists), or perhaps a EnGineer. Definitely not a HumMajor. His MANiker is Tarun No-Cryin (because he's a man.) Lives in TimeSuckXI for the 2007-2008 school year. Lived with WesDucey, suitemates with YanivOvadia and EthanSokol, freshman year. Format stolen from RichardBowen because I'm too lazy. <pre>What? What?? Oh, that. Who? Where? Where?? Oh, there. When? Oh, Then. PHYS051 HM 01 Electromagnetic Theory & Optics Sahakian HM GA MCAL --T-R-- 09:35a 10:50a HM TG 101 -M-W--- 08:00a 08:50a PHYS053 HM 03 Electricity & Optics Laboratory Esin HM JA B115 --T---- 12:40p 02:40p CHEM051 HM 01 Physical Chem: Thermo & Kinetics Karukstis HM PA 2358 -M-W-F- 09:00a 09:50a CHEM053 HM 01 Physical Chemistry Lab Karukstis HM JA 1204 ----RF- 01:15p 05:30p ENGR059 HM 01 Intro to Engineering Systems ???? HM GA MCAL --T-R-- 08:10a 09:25a HM TG 101 -----F- 08:00a 08:50a PE001 JP 10 Basketball Sundberg HM LAC GYM ----R-- 08:30p 10:30p CLAS008A SC 01 Introductory Latin Ierulli SC BL 219 -MTWR-- 11:00a 11:50a HIST103A CM 01 History of the Roman Republic Bjornlie CM PZ 3 -M-W--- 12:00a 01:10a</pre>
This change is a minor edit.
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