Editing The
A definite article. Perhaps [[the]] definite article. ;) ...waits for [[the]] NearlyEmptyPagesNazi to <nowiki>4774x0|2</nowiki>... See Also: NearlyEmptyPages ''Damn you all!'' '''wow, that was fast!''' Oh, this can't end well. Check [[the]] backlinks. ''i am awesome... i guess i can take credit now... --NickJohnson'' <b>I hate you all so very, very much.</b> --RichardGarfinkel * Defenestrations for all!!! --WillShipley ** Ooh, where can I go to claim mine? Do I need to print out this coupon? ** Personally, I'm in favor of getting rid of this page and un-linking all of [[the]] '[[the]]'s before they fade off of RecentChanges (backlinks contain every page with [[the]] word '[[the]]' on it, not all of the pages with '[[the]]'s on it). Or at least removing most of [[the]] links to this page. While it's funny at first, it just adds confusion later, and no real information content. --JonathanBeall *** Your very annoyed KeeperOfTheWiki is in agreement. ****The NearlyEmptyPagesNazi also concurs (although, ironically, this is no longer a proper example of NearlyEmptyPages) **** Of course, most of Wiki is funny at first but just confusing later, ''(I would have said that the other way around, unless 'at first' is 'when you're sleep-depped.' --StephGrush)'' so I don't think this is bucking the trend very much. How is this actually causing harm? --ChainMaille ***** I suppose it's not really a problem, it just irritates me a bit. As long as [[it]] [[doesn't]] [[become]] [[a]] [[trend]], it'll die out and not be all that bad. --JonathanBeall ****** For [[the]] love of '''God''', Montressor! ****** Dont tempt me --NickJohnson ---- Please do Not wikify [[the]] '[[the]]' on the following pages: * KatieLewis * Parts of AMooseOnceBitMySister (I will be removing [[the]] wikification of the 'wik, also wik' section at some point. I appreciate your good intentions, but I'm afraid I like reading it better without, thank you very much. '[[The]]' in the randomer bits of the page are quite appropriate. Thank you -- [[The]] Management.) * KLGoodBooks, KL's section of [[the]] BookCollection * WillShipley * In fact, maybe everything off CategoryHomePage should be opt-''in'' for this. ** Word. * Definitely do not [[the]]-wikify quotes pages or GroupStories. It would weird me out a lot. ---- Okay, folks, poll time. Should this page and all links to it be removed? --RichardGarfinkel *DuctTapeGuy - No. Why? Wiki is supposed to be silly, and people know better than to wikify every single word. *ChainMaille - Nah. It's silly in itself, and Easties have [[the]] sense (usually) to not overdo jokes until they aren't funny any more. **YourMom doesn't overdo jokes. \end{irony} --FrancesHocutt *DanCicio - No, but only because it's here and someone (or some people) thought it worth being here. If it really bothers you, then you can take it away; that's [[the]] power of open editing. However, just getting rid of it because you don't think it's funny is a waste of time and somewhat mean to those who put [[the]] effort in to add it. Personally, I think [[the]] whole thing was ridiculous from [[the]] start--worth little more than a groan--but it's now part of wiki, so leave it unless there's a reason to remove it. *gets off the soapbox* *NearlyEmptyPagesNazi - Yes *AlexBobbs - No *JonathanBeall - No, don't delete [[the]] whole page, but perhaps undo a few of [[the]] '[[the]]' links on other pages. *NickJohnson - it amuses me that it exists... It would amuse me more if every '[[the]]' on wiki were hyperlinked, but not enough to prompt me to actually do it. I actually had thought of creating a page that was entirely hyperlinked text, which would necessarily involve [[the]] creation of appropriate pages, but i dont think i would spread that, and its probably not worth [[the]] effort either.... it would be more amusing to mirror all or most of wiki. *StephGrush - If this page is ever removed, a copy of it should be archived elsewhere, like to ThE or something, due to its non-NearlyEmptyPages-ness. Okay, seeing as how [[the]] NearlyEmptyPagesNazi is [[the]] only one who wants to get rid of this page and I hate Nazis, especially those of [[the]] NearlyEmptyPages variety, this page will stay. ''Very well. [[The]] Squirreloid shall escape judgement this time, but beware you who would create more NearlyEmptyPages! [insert EvilLaugh here]'' ''Whoa. Since when was [[the]] NearlyEmptyPagesNazi alone in this? This is an abomination, man.'' --a [[JulieWortman | WikiWhore]]
This change is a minor edit.
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