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In MuddSpeak, a TimeSuck is that what '''sucks time''' -- sleep, classes, VideoGame""s, SignificantOther""s, BrideOfPinbot, DiabloIi... Time Suck is also a second-floor suite in EastDorm, traditionally (i.e. since it was founded in 1997) inhabited by four sophomores, one of whom is named Chris. It has a StopLight which indicates what activities are going on in PublicSide. See also: [[TANGERINE]]. Since 2016, it is customary to have 6 sophomores participate in TimeSuck, resulting in two triples and the PublicSide. TimeSuck is now more commonly on the first floor image:FirstTimeSuck.jpg [above: the first TimeSuck] Note to future generations of TimeSuck: if public side and private side are technically in two different suites and you don't tell DAC *before* moving, you're gonna have a bad time... * They're actually surprisingly good about it as of 2023, but do ask. From 2020 to present, TimeSuck has taken something of a hiatus, but there has been some renewed interest (ConnorNeely and KaviDey attempted to TimeSuck, though alas not enough people wanted to). TimeSuckXXII (2019-2020) aka TimeSuccc: * BerlinPaez (aka Chris) * JoshCheung * BenBracker * RyanMartinez * BenLangton * AdamWalker * WillGilroy (Honorary Member) * JasonMisleh (Honorary Member) TimeSuckXXI (2018-2019): * AvalonFeiler * SerenityWade * SydneyTowell * PiperLangerWeida * EmmaCuddy * StephanieClifner TimeSuckXX (2017-2018): * AlexRavnik * AndrewMPham * AryaMassarat * EmilyShimizu * FloraXia * HaviEllers * LilyFriedberg * MaxTepermeister * IrisZhou (Honorary Member) TimeSuckXIX (2016-2017) aka Doublesuck: * MaryClareShen * KateWoolverton * HaoxingDu * JakePalanker * TommySchneider * AliKhan * LydiaSylla (Honorary Member) * MaggieGelber (Honorary Member) TimeSuckXVIII (2015-2016): * BenLehman (aka Benjamin Isaac CHRIStopher Lehman) * LiamLloyd * QuentinBarth (IanSong 2.0) * JacobRoth TimeSuckXVII (2014-2015): * MichaelSheely (coChris) * AdamDunlap (coChris) * IanSong * CalvinLeung * Inquiring dead people want to know: who is Chris? Most likely ShunLap. Time Suck took a brief hiatus during the 2013-2014 school year; poor rainfall led to an infertile crop of FrOsh TimeSuckXVI (2012-2013): * EmmaDavis * SarahScheffler * MaryEliseElam (aka Chris(t)) * MengyiTao TimeSuckXV (2011-2012): * AricHunter (aka Chris) * DavidLingenbrink * MattMcDermott * SamGutekunst TimeSuckXIV (2010-2011): (aka the Time Succubi) * EllySchofield * JessHester * JessiPeck * SarahJohnson (aka Chris) TimeSuckXIII (2009-2010) ''Back in its rightful place.'' * AaronGable (aka Chris) * BenJones (aka Chris) * EricAleshire (aka Chris) * SpencerTung (aka Chris) TimeSuckXII (2008-2009): * AdriSebree * CaitlinJacques (aka Chris) * CelesteConti * SarahLoeb ''Due to medical reasons, TimeSuckXII will be located in BoilerSuite.'' TimeSuckXI (2007-2008): * TrystanKoch * RichardBowen * NikFloyd * TarunNarayan (aka Chris) TimeSuckX (2006-2007): * SarahFletcher * HeatherJustice * LindsayTice (aka Chris) * NancyEisenmenger TimeSuck9 (2005-2006): * RickyWhite * ChrisRoberts ''(ha! no need to manufacture a Chris this year!)'' * ClifMobbs * RiOrius TimeSuckVIII (2004-5): * JoaquinNagle * MichaelMaindi * MaxPflueger (aka Chris) * GregSandstrom TimeSuck7 (2003-04): * BenjAzose * BillHewitt * MarshallPierce (aka Chris, aka Barshall) * BrianYoung TimeSuck6: * ConorMcNassar (aka Chris) * EliBogart * CalPierog * WillShipley TimeSuck5: * JuliettePetersen (aka Chris) * EllyWalsh * CandaceChurch * LizMain 4.0: * MarkEphair * RickFujiyama * DustinBarnard * MattMacauley (aka Chris) 3.0 * MattMason * ChrisLundberg * BrianKappus * DanielOsborn 2.0 * JohnWalseth * IanSchempp * ChrisHanusa * OwenNichols (v2.0) * TysonMacDonald (v2.1) 1.0 * PeterBoothe * JoshHoyt * ChrisSantillo * NathanField ---- CategorySuitePage
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