Editing UsefulComputerSites
[http://www.cs.hmc.edu/ Mudd CS] [http://www.hmc.edu/cis/doc/ CIS] <b>Definitions</b> *[http://foldoc.doc.ic.ac.uk/foldoc/index.html CS Dictionary] [http://www.nightflight.com/foldoc/index.html CS Dictionary] *[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page Wikipedia] <b>Languages</b> *[http://www.python.org Python] *Latex [http://people.ee.ethz.ch/~oetiker/lshort/lshort.pdf TheNotSoShortGuide] [http://www.giss.nasa.gov/latex/ltx-2.html Index] <b>Tools</b> *Secure file Transfer **[http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ PuTTY] <i>Open source telnet/SSH client. Includes sftp, scp, and key manager.</i> **[http://www.ssh.com/support/downloads/secureshellserver/non-commercial.html SSH] [ftp://ftp.ssh.com/pub/ssh/ SSH] <i>Free to students. Very nice interface. Can drag and drop files. My preference -- KatieLewis</i> ** [http://www.cs.hmc.edu/ssh/startmindterm.html Mindterm] <i>Free. Very easily downloadable applet. Good for quickly geting to Turing unix style when on someone else's machine.</i> ** [http://winscp.net/ WinSCP] <i>Free (open source) SCP client. Does the same drag-and-drop thing as the above, but it's really free.</i> -- PhilMiller *** <i>See also WankWankWank. --RichardGarfinkel</i> *Converting to PDF **[http://www.primopdf.com/ PrimoPDF] <i>Free. Easy to download and use. But, I don't know much about it. --KL</i> **[http://www.openoffice.org/ OpenOffice.org] <i>An open source office suite that includes an "export to PDF" function.</i> **[http://sector7g.wurzel6.de/pdfcreator/index_en.htm PDFCreator] <i>GPL / Open source. Like Adobe Acrobat, acts as a virtual printer so you can use it with any application that can print.</i> **[http://www.pdfonline.com/ PDF Online] <i>Free online pdf convertor that can handle various files up to 2 MB.</i> *[http://www.cygwin.com/ Cygwin] <i> Free way to have a Linux-like environment on a PC. Does not run native Linux Apps, but does have X-Windows </i> *LaTeX **[http://www.miktex.org/ MikTeX] <i> LaTeX for Windows, free </i> **[http://www.winedt.com/ WinEDT] <i> A LaTeX editor for Windows, shareware. Plays well with MikTeX </i> * [http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/powertoys/xppowertoys.mspx WinXP PowerToys] ----- Return to GoodWebsites
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