[Home]History of BenjAzose

Revision 37 . . August 6, 2012 13:03 by 216-239-45-4.google.com [Deleting outdated content]

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Benj spent two years in Chicago working for TheMan all week and then enjoying great food, live theater, and CSO rush tickets all weekend long. He moved to the Bay Area and after a year long stint in Sunnyvale, now lives in the Mission District of San Francisco. He's joined the ranks of the many HMC Googlers, and works on fun stuff like helping the people of Uganda search for health and agriculture information from their cellphones. He's taking another run at the AFITop100Films, enjoying pub trivia at The Napper Tandy (a local Irish pub) and looking for a band/orchestra to play the bass trombone with. He's built up a pretty extensive collection of /BoardGames? from the local Goodwill.
If you see this, you are entitled to a free lunch with BenjAzose at the Googleplex in Mountain View.

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