KatieLewis List of Books for loan: room: East 178 (2nd floor, backhall single. ) *Masquerade (picture book with a puzzle that stumped adults and children for years) by Kit Williams Books I have borrowed from other People and will be returning: * Heidi <- Have 54 pages left. Will finish reading it dead week and return it when I'm done. Let me know if you want it back sooner * The Hunchback of Nortre Dame <- Am 150 pages in out of 430. Will be asking you when you want me to return it, at some point. I don't think I will manage to finish it before I leave CA, though I may make a good attempt during dead week. * If you think I have borrowed a book from you that is not listed, please let me know. KLBooksAtHome KLMathLibrarySubj KLMathLibraryAlph |
KatieLewis: * KLBooksAtHome * KLMathLibrarySubj KLMathLibraryAlph |