ColleenSullivan, sometimes known as Katz (or Overcooked Spaghetti), is a Senior chem major/classics minor who is actually a Scrippsie, despite the popular opinion of most frosh and sophomores. She lives in East 119 (ie, 611), thereby adding to the confusion. |
ColleenSullivan, sometimes known as Katz (or Overcooked Spaghetti), is a Senior chem major/classics minor who is actually a Scrippsie, despite the popular opinion of most frosh and sophomores. She lives in Sontag 208...some of the time, thereby increasing the confusion. She graduates in December. She's also engaged to 2005 Mudder Jordan Boye. |
Her sense of humor has triggered the repeat suggestion that she die in a fire, and earned her 3 pennies from PeterMawhorter so far. However, she will risk sharing her favorite joke here, because she believes in propagating it for the good of the world: There are two fish in a tank. One says to the other, "You drive. I'll man the guns." |
Her sense of humor has triggered the repeat suggestion that she die in a fire, and earned her 3 pennies from PeterMawhorter. However, she will risk sharing her favorite joke here, because she believes in propagating it for the good of the world: There are two fish in a tank. One says to the other, "You drive. I'll man the guns." |
**Of COURSE I do. They ARE. |
Schedule for Spring 2008: Inorganic Chemistry MWF 9-9:50 Vergil MWF 10-10:50 Organometallics TR 9:35-10:50 Intro Art History TR 1:15-2:30 Thesis all remaining time |
There. That is likely the only time you will ever see those two making up an exhaustive list. You may only add yourself to this list if you think you can make it more diverse than it already is. |
There. That is likely the only time you will ever see those two making up an exhaustive list. (It's also a pretty old list, let it be known.) |
Chuck Norris has seen the Eleusinian Mysteries. That is why Eleusis is fortified. I totally butchered the spelling there. |