[Home]History of DieDall

Revision 3 . . (edit) November 22, 2015 21:53 by WL-209-161.WPA.Claremont.Edu

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff)

Changed: 1c1,3
Universe created by dungeon masters LuisViornery LiamLloyd and JacobRoth. Premise: magic is like the spice from dune, and it comes from sacrifices or a well in the center of a giant dead dragon in the middle of the desert.
RuneQuest Universe created by dungeon masters LuisViornery LiamLloyd and JacobRoth.

Premise: magic is like the spice from dune, and it comes from sacrifices or a well in the center of a giant dead dragon in the middle of the desert.

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