The Man-hattan Project |
The Man-hattan Project ====================== Richard Feynman walked down Trinity Drive, along the |
Richard Feynman walked down Trinity Drive, along the |
And so Feynman walked down Trinity Drive, remembering the soft warmth |
And so Feynman walked down Trinity Drive, remembering the soft warmth |
Feynman arrived at Oppenheimer's office. “Well, Richard, I'm glad we |
Feynman arrived at Oppenheimer's office. “Well, Richard, I'm glad we |
“Yes, Dr. Oppenheimer,” Feynman was starstruck to be in the presence |
“Yes, Dr. Oppenheimer,” Feynman was starstruck to be in the presence |
“Indeed. I've drafted a schematic for the bomb. As you know, the plan |
“Indeed. I've drafted a schematic for the bomb. As you know, the plan |
“Yes sir,” Feynman was eager to tell Oppenheimer about some of the |
“Yes sir,” Feynman was eager to tell Oppenheimer about some of the |
Oppenheimer took his suit jacket off to counter the hot summer air. |
Oppenheimer took his suit jacket off to counter the hot summer air. |
“Exactly.” Feynman felt his pride begin to swell with the knowledge |
“Exactly.” Feynman felt his pride begin to swell with the knowledge |
“Yes, Richard. When dealing with radioactivity, things can get |
“Yes, Richard. When dealing with radioactivity, things can get |
Oppenheimer whipped out his paper and pencil and placed them on the |
Oppenheimer whipped out his paper and pencil and placed them on the |
“Oh Dr. Oppenheimer,” Feynman began. “Please, Richard, call me Oppie.” Feynman smiled. “Oppie, that's a brilliant plan I–” Oppenheimer traces his finger along the tip of the bullet and looked |
“Oh Dr. Oppenheimer,” Feynman began. “Please, Richard, call me Oppie.” Feynman smiled. “Oppie, that's a brilliant plan I–” Oppenheimer traces his finger along the tip of the bullet and looked |
“Oh Richard, you appear to have a hadron.” Feynman blushed and quickly tried to readjust his posture to one more |
“Oh Richard, you appear to have a hadron.” Feynman blushed and quickly tried to readjust his posture to one more |
“Richard, Richard,” Oppenheimer began, “it doesn't matter what your |
“Richard, Richard,” Oppenheimer began, “it doesn't matter what your |
Oppenheimer leaned in close; Feynman could feel his superior's breath |
Oppenheimer leaned in close; Feynman could feel his superior's breath |
“Oppie,” Feynman breathed, “I couldn't help but notice your wonderful |
“Oppie,” Feynman breathed, “I couldn't help but notice your wonderful |
“You've got quite the magic nucleus, Feynman, and I have a few |
“You've got quite the magic nucleus, Feynman, and I have a few |
“Oh, factorize me, Oppie,” Feynman moaned, “then go on and |
“Oh, factorize me, Oppie,” Feynman moaned, “then go on and |
“Don't worry, Dick, I know just how to handle your infinities.” |
“Don't worry, Dick, I know just how to handle your infinities.” |
“Oppie, you astound me. I normally don't enjoy this sort of things, |
“Oppie, you astound me. I normally don't enjoy this sort of things, |
Oppenheimer pressed his finger against Feynman's mouth to silence him |
Oppenheimer pressed his finger against Feynman's mouth to silence him |
Feynman began screaming in ecstasy. He had never been with someone as |
Feynman began screaming in ecstasy. He had never been with someone as |
The bullet entered the hole, and Feynman went critical. The explosion was all that either of them had hoped for. Feynman put |
The bullet entered the hole, and Feynman went critical. The explosion was all that either of them had hoped for. Feynman put |
Feynman Slash Notation ====================== |
Feynman Slash Notation |
Richard Feynman walked west down Trinity drive. He was on his way to |
Richard Feynman walked west down Trinity drive. He was on his way to |
And then he stopped in his tracks. He adjusted his spin glasses and |
And then he stopped in his tracks. He adjusted his spin glasses and |
“Hello,” the two men introduced themselves in union. Feynman stopped |
“Hello,” the two men introduced themselves in union. Feynman stopped |
The other man laughed and responded, “Ah, well yes, then I suppose I |
The other man laughed and responded, “Ah, well yes, then I suppose I |
Gears turned in Feynman's head. Finally, someone interesting here, he |
Gears turned in Feynman's head. Finally, someone interesting here, he |
The two men entered the office and Feynman quickly shut the door |
The two men entered the office and Feynman quickly shut the door |
“Nonsense, you know you're more than welcome to violate my CP |
“Nonsense, you know you're more than welcome to violate my CP |
“Oh, but you know as well as I do that you've got quite the cross |
“Oh, but you know as well as I do that you've got quite the cross |
“I believe I might even already know the answer to that; although |
“I believe I might even already know the answer to that; although |
Anti-Feynman snickered. “Don't worry, Feynman, you'll learn that all |
Anti-Feynman snickered. “Don't worry, Feynman, you'll learn that all |
“Well, then,” Feynman said, processing what he had just learned, “I |
“Well, then,” Feynman said, processing what he had just learned, “I |
“What a fascinating concept; I can think of one particular |
“What a fascinating concept; I can think of one particular |
Feynman and Anti-Feynman stood up from their chairs and embraced each |
Feynman and Anti-Feynman stood up from their chairs and embraced each |
Anti-Feynman reached his hand down to unbutton Feynman's pants and |
Anti-Feynman reached his hand down to unbutton Feynman's pants and |
Feynman performed the reciprocating action, and, entangled together, |
Feynman performed the reciprocating action, and, entangled together, |
Feynman pulled back and whispered into Anti-Feynman's ear. “Just wait |
Feynman pulled back and whispered into Anti-Feynman's ear. “Just wait |
Feynman and Anti-Feynman both pulsed their heads back and forth in |
Feynman and Anti-Feynman both pulsed their heads back and forth in |
Satisfied, the two slowly decohered. “That was quite a favorable |
Satisfied, the two slowly decohered. “That was quite a favorable |
“Ah, yes,” Anti-Feynman responded, “and so that is why I must go.” |
“Ah, yes,” Anti-Feynman responded, “and so that is why I must go.” |
Feynman paused for a moment as he went to put a pen into his breast |
Feynman paused for a moment as he went to put a pen into his breast |
Satisfied with his appearance, Feynman left his portable office and |
Satisfied with his appearance, Feynman left his portable office and |