[Home]History of FinalFantasySix

Revision 9 . . (edit) January 26, 2003 7:39 by obvious.st.hmc.edu [dangling(]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 9c9
In my opinion, the best part of this game (though almost everything is done well) is the fantastic music. It is very emotional and adds a great deal to the plot (which might seem too melodramatic otherwise). Highlights include the opera scene, the normal boss battle music, Kefka's theme, and others too numerous to name. - DanielKagan
In my opinion, the best part of this game (though almost everything is done well) is the fantastic music. It is very emotional and adds a great deal to the plot, providing an atmosphere of heroism (the battle themes), or menace(Dancing Mad), or utter despair (i. e. the initial world of ruin map theme). Highlights include the opera scene, the normal boss battle music, Kefka's theme, and others too numerous to name. - DanielKagan

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