[Home]History of MatthewLawson

Revision 17 . . May 16, 2014 22:25 by scr-res152-dhcp2.ScrippsCollege.edu [new generation, time to update]

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 8c8
TorqueDorque and one of the EastDormPresidents for 2007-2008
TorqueDorque, DormJock, and one of the EastDormPresidents for 2007-2008

Changed: 12c12
Currently works at Sandia National Labs, where he shines large lasers on burning crap.
Formerly worked at Sandia National Labs, where he shines large lasers on flames.

Added: 13a14,15
Currently a GradStudent? at UCDavis in physics. Was often in the Lounge
in the 2013-2014 school year due to extreme levels of sketchiness.

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