He may sound like a chaotic person from all this, but he was actually pretty quiet and introverted, too much so to really go to Funball or Vice ever. (Yes, people like us exist. You don't have to go to big parties with a million people yelling to be a part of East culture! Or to have a good time.) But he really tried his best to connect with the people around him, and East was the first place in his life he ever felt some amount of social confidence. He (that is to say me, writing this from my isolated quarantine) owes so much to his friends there and he loves them all very dearly. East was really his first experience in belonging, and now that he knows what that is like, nothing can take that away from him. He's so grateful to everyone that talked to him when he was confused, when he felt hopeless, when he was grieving his childhood cat Midnight, and gave him comfort. For him, East was a new and wonderful kind of family.