[Home]History of ProfessorShuve

Revision 3 . . November 3, 2022 15:22 by WL-192-70.WPA.Claremont.Edu

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 1c1
Physics professor and spiritual child of ProfessorTownsend. Teaches SpecRel? every year (pretty much, at least). His research is in theoretical particle physics. A really nice guy, but has been known to deliver some pretty scathing commentary (with love, of course).
Physics professor and spiritual child of ProfessorTownsend. Teaches SpecRel? every year (pretty much, at least). His research is in theoretical particle physics. Ask him about WIMPS, or negative mass. He loves that. A really nice guy, but has been known to deliver some pretty scathing commentary (with love, of course). If you tell him about bad ideas he will pretend not to hear (we don't want to cost him tenure!).

Changed: 5c5
Nice guy, loved by frosh around the world.
Nice guy, loved by frosh around the world.

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