[Home]History of SuperSmashBrosBrawl

Revision 14 . . (edit) May 10, 2008 17:40 by MaxGibiansky

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Added: 10a11,12

Also, this page is pretty out-of-date, especially the bits about characters and stages.

Changed: 50c52
*Norfair is really obnoxious. Lava (or acid or whatever) (it actually is lava this time... people need to play more metroid...) occassionally hits the stage and there is one wave that can only be dodged by hiding out in some narrow place that only one character can fit in, IIRC.
*Norfair is really obnoxious. Lava (or acid or whatever) (it actually is lava this time... people need to play more metroid...) occassionally hits the stage and there is one wave that can only be dodged by hiding out in some narrow place that only one character can fit in, IIRC. However, you can both standing dodge this and also air dodge it if you time it right. Some characters can jump over it. Or you can shield it. Or you can use ledge-grab invincibility. Really, it's not that hard to avoid.

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