[Home]History of TastesLikeKetchup

Revision 2 . . May 7, 2002 19:46 by 216-120-120-73.dsl.cust.tem.tfb.com [Corrected attribution of ketchup comparison to JohnWalseth]

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Back when rampant food poisoning was a big problem in the dining halls of the ClaremontColleges (see SalmonellaProblem?), CubeSchnaider announced to a dorm meeting that salmonella "actually tastes a lot like ketchup." MattMason? retorted that actually, given the way salmonella is transmitted, it probably tastes more like ASS--which, CubeSchnaider then replied, "tastes a lot like ketchup."
Back when rampant food poisoning was a big problem in the dining halls of the ClaremontColleges (see SalmonellaProblem?), JohnWalseth announced to a dorm meeting that salmonella "actually tastes a lot like ketchup." MattMason? retorted that actually, given the way salmonella is transmitted, it probably tastes more like ASS--which, CubeSchnaider then replied, "which, in turn, tastes like ketchup."

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