/* * Name: Geoff Kuenning * Course: CS 70, Fall 2002 * Assignment #3 * * This file contains the main program for the assignment. This * program provides an interactive interface to a college registrar * database. * * The interactive interface is fairly stupid. Commands are read as * strings of nonblank characters, using the built-in I/O functions. * If a command takes parameters, the user is prompted for them one by * one; each parameter is expressed as either a nonblank string or an * integer. Error-checking is minimal. * * Supported commands: * * quit Terminate the program. * help Print a simple help message. * student Add a new student, prompting for name and hair color. * course Add a new course, prompting for department, course * number, meeting time, and maximum enrollment. * enroll Enroll a student in a course, prompting for the * student's name, the department, and the course number. * drop Drop a student from a course, prompting as for * "enroll". * hair Change a student's hair color, prompting for the name * and the new color. * time Change a course's meeting time, prompting for the * new information. * show students Display all students, including the names of the * courses in which they are currently enrolled.. * show courses Display all courses, including the names of students * currently enrolled in each. */ #include "course.hh" #include "registrar.hh" #include "student.hh" #include #include using namespace std; /* * Table of contents and forward declarations */ int main(int argc, char* argv[]); // Main driver program static void interact(Registrar_DB* db); // Interactive interface to DB static void printCommandList(ostream& stream); // Print all legal commands static string promptRead(const string& prompt, ostream& promptStream, istream& stream); // Prompt user and get a string static void doAddStudent(Registrar_DB* db); // Do the add-student command static void doAddCourse(Registrar_DB* db); // Do the add-course command static void doEnroll(Registrar_DB* db); // Do the enroll-in-course command static void doDrop(Registrar_DB* db); // Do the drop-course command static void doHairChange(Registrar_DB* db); // Do the change-hair-color command static void doTimeChange(Registrar_DB* db); // Do the change-meeting-time command static void doShowStudents(Registrar_DB* db); // Do the show-students command static void doShowCourses(Registrar_DB* db); // Do the show-courses command static Student* getStudentByName(Registrar_DB* db); // Find a student by asking for name static Course* getCourseByName(Registrar_DB* db); // Find a course by asking for name /* * Parameters of the implementation */ const int MAX_STUDENTS = 128; // Limit on students enrolled in school const int MAX_COURSES = 20; // Limit on number of courses offered /* * Driver program for the interactive registrar database. This * program simply creates a new registrar's database and then calls a * subroutine to perform the actual interactive creation and update of * the database. */ int main( int , // Argument count (unused) char*[] ) // Argument vector (unused) { /* * Create the database. */ Registrar_DB DGP_roster(MAX_STUDENTS, MAX_COURSES); /* * Let somebody else do the hard work. */ interact(&DGP_roster); return 0; } /* * Interactive interface to a registrar's database. The user is * repeatedly prompted for a command. The command is then decoded and * dispatched to an appropriate routine for execution. */ void interact( Registrar_DB* db) // Database to operate on { string command; // Command currently being executed /* * Before beginning, print a command list so the user has an idea of * how this program works. */ printCommandList(cerr); /* * Main loop. We repeatedly get a command from cin; if EOF is * encountered we will exit the loop. * * If a command was returned, the body of the loop will classify * and execute it. */ while (1) { /* * Get a command from the user. If EOF is hit, leave the loop. */ command = promptRead("\nYour command? ", cerr, cin); if (!cin) break; /* * Figure out what command was entered, and perform it. */ if (command == "quit") return; else if (command == "help" || command == "?") printCommandList(cerr); else if (command == "student") doAddStudent(db); else if (command == "course") doAddCourse(db); else if (command == "enroll") doEnroll(db); else if (command == "drop") doDrop(db); else if (command == "hair") doHairChange(db); else if (command == "time") doTimeChange(db); else if (command == "show") { /* * The show command takes a parameter telling what to * show. One can argue that the following code belongs in * a "doShow" routine. */ string showWhat; if (!(cin >> showWhat)) return; // EOF, give up if (showWhat == "students") doShowStudents(db); else if (showWhat == "courses") doShowCourses(db); else cerr << "Unrecognized argument to 'show' command: '" << showWhat << "'\n"; } else cerr << "Unrecognized command '" << command << "'. Try again.\n"; } } /* * Print a list of all commands in the interactive interface. */ void printCommandList( ostream& stream) // Stream to print to { stream << '\n'; stream << "Commands are:\n"; stream << " quit: terminate program\n"; stream << " help: print this message\n"; stream << " student: add new student\n"; stream << " course: add new course\n"; stream << " enroll: enroll student in course\n"; stream << " drop: drop student from course\n"; stream << " hair: change student's hair color\n"; stream << " time: change course's meeting time\n"; stream << " show students: display all students\n"; stream << " show courses: display all courses\n"; } /* * Ask the user for a string (using a caller-supplied prompt), read * it, and return it. The hard work is done by the cin functions. */ string promptRead( const string& prompt, // String to prompt with ostream& promptStream, // Stream to prompt to istream& stream) // Stream to read answer from { promptStream << prompt << flush; string response; stream >> response; return response; } /* * Perform the add-student command. After error-checking, we prompt * for the student's parameters and then insert him/her in the * database using functions of Registrar_DB. */ void doAddStudent( Registrar_DB* db) // Database to operate on { /* * Make sure there's room. */ if (!db->canAcceptStudents()) { cerr << "Student roster already full." << endl; return; } /* * Get student parameters. Be careful to check for EOF at each step. */ const string firstName = promptRead("First name? ", cerr, cin); if (!cin) return; const string lastName = promptRead("Last name? ", cerr, cin); if (!cin) return; const string hairColor = promptRead("Hair color? ", cerr, cin); if (!cin) return; /* * We have all the information we need. Use the database's * functions to insert the student. */ if (!db->newStudent(firstName, lastName, hairColor)) { cerr << "Student " << lastName << ", " << firstName << " is already in the database\n"; return; } } /* * Perform the add-course command. After error-checking, we prompt * for the course's parameters and then insert it in the * database using functions of Registrar_DB. */ void doAddCourse( Registrar_DB* db) // Database to operate on { if (!db->canAcceptCourses()) { cerr << "Course list is already full." << endl; return; } /* * Get all parameters from the user. */ string department = promptRead("Department? ", cerr, cin); if (!cin) return; cerr << "Course number? " << flush; int courseNumber; if (!(cin >> courseNumber)) return; string meetingDays = promptRead("Meeting days? ", cerr, cin); if (!cin) return; string meetingHour = promptRead("Meeting time? ", cerr, cin); if (!cin) return; cerr << "Maximum enrollment? " << flush; int maxEnrollment; if (!(cin >> maxEnrollment)) return; /* * We now have everything needed by the registrar database. Add * the course. */ if (!db->newCourse(department, courseNumber, meetingDays + " " + meetingHour, maxEnrollment)) { cerr << "Course " << department << courseNumber << " is already in the database\n"; return; } } /* * Perform the enroll-in-course command. We prompt for the student's * name and course information, and then use functions of Registrar_DB * to perform the enrollment. */ void doEnroll( Registrar_DB* db) // Database to operate on { /* * Prompt for the student and find him/her. */ Student* student = getStudentByName(db); if (student == NULL) return; // Not found, error already printed /* * If the student would be overloaded, give up now. */ if (student->hasMaximumLoad()) { cerr << "Student " << student->name() << " is at maximum load, can't add another course\n"; return; } /* * Prompt for the course and find it. */ Course* course = getCourseByName(db); if (course == NULL) return; // Not found, error already printed /* * If the course is oversubscribed, give up now. */ if (course->isFull()) { cerr << "Course "; course->showName(cerr); cerr << " is full, can't add another student\n"; return; } /* * Add the course to the student's schedule; as a side effect, * also insert him/her in the course's roster. * * The way the classes are written in the sample solution, we * could call either student->addCourseToSchedule or * course->addStudent with the same effect. The choice is * arbitrary. */ if (!student->addCourseToSchedule(course)) cerr << "Student " << student->name() << " was already in course\n"; } /* * Perform the drop-from-course command. This is almost identical to * doEnroll (above), except we can omit some error checking. */ void doDrop( Registrar_DB* db) // Database to operate on { /* * Prompt for the student and find him/her. */ Student* student = getStudentByName(db); if (student == NULL) return; // Not found, error already printed /* * Prompt for the course info and find the course. */ Course* course = getCourseByName(db); if (course == NULL) return; // Not found, error already printed /* * Deenroll the student by removing the course from his/her * schedule; as a side effect, also remove him/her from the * course's roster. * * If the student wasn't in the course, produce an error message. * * The way the classes are written in the sample solution, we * could call either student->removeCourseFromSchedule or * course->removeStudent with the same effect. The choice is * arbitrary. */ if (!student->removeCourseFromSchedule(course)) cerr << "Student " << student->name() << " was not in course\n"; } /* * Perform the change-hair-color command. We use a common function to * locate the student, prompt for the new color, and use the student's * member function to perform the change. */ void doHairChange( Registrar_DB* db) // Database to operate on { Student* student = getStudentByName(db); if (student == NULL) return; // Not found, error already printed const string hairColor = promptRead("New hair color? ", cerr, cin); if (!cin) return; student->changeHairColor(hairColor); } /* * Perform the change-meeting-time command. We use a common function * to locate the course, prompt for the new days and time, and use the * course's member function to perform the change. */ void doTimeChange( Registrar_DB* db) // Database to operate on { Course* course = getCourseByName(db); if (course == NULL) return; // Not found, error already printed string meetingDays = promptRead("New meeting days? ", cerr, cin); if (!cin) return; string meetingHour = promptRead("New meeting time? ", cerr, cin); if (!cin) return; /* * Construct the meeting-time string and change the course to that time. */ course->changeMeetingTime(meetingDays + " " + meetingHour); } /* * Perform the show-students command. All the work is done by the database. */ void doShowStudents( Registrar_DB* db) // Database to operate on { db->showStudents(cout); } /* * Perform the show-courses command. All the work is done by the database. */ void doShowCourses( Registrar_DB* db) // Database to operate on { db->showCourses(cout); } /* * Find a student by prompting the user for his/her name and then * looking him/her up in the registrar's database. * * If the student is found, returns a pointer to the Student record. * Otherwise, prints an error message to cerr and returns NULL. */ static Student* getStudentByName( Registrar_DB* db) // Database to search within { /* * Prompt for the first and last name, giving up if EOF is hit. */ const string firstName = promptRead("First name? ", cerr, cin); if (!cin) return NULL; const string lastName = promptRead("Last name? ", cerr, cin); if (!cin) return NULL; /* * Use the database's built-in function to search for the student. * If nobody matches, issue an error message. */ Student* student = db->findStudentByName(firstName, lastName); if (student == NULL) cerr << "Student " << lastName << ", " << firstName << " was not found\n"; return student; } /* * Find a course by prompting the user for the ID and course number * and then looking it up in the registrar's database. * * If the course is found, returns a pointer to the Course record. * Otherwise, prints an error message to cerr and returns NULL. */ static Course* getCourseByName( Registrar_DB* db) // Database to search within { /* * Prompt for the department (as a string) and the course number * (as an integer), giving up if EOF is hit. */ const string department = promptRead("Department? ", cerr, cin); if (!cin) return NULL; cerr << "Course number? " << flush; int courseNumber; if (!(cin >> courseNumber)) return NULL; /* * Use the database's built-in function to search for the course. * If nothing matches, issue an error message. */ Course* course = db->findCourseByName(department, courseNumber); if (course == NULL) cerr << "Course " << department << courseNumber << " was not found\n"; return course; }