# # This is a sample Makefile for CS70, Fall 2002, Homework Assignment 8 # # To use this file, download it (right-click or shift-click on the # link in Netscape) into a file named "Makefile". You can then use # the command "make" to compile your program. # # If you have trouble, it's probably because you downloaded using # cut-and-paste, which clobbers tab characters. See the comments # after the line starting with "all:" for more information. # SHELL = /bin/sh CFLAGS = -g -Wall -W -pedantic CXXFLAGS = -g -Wall -W -pedantic CXX = g++3 CCC = $(CXX) CCFLAGS = $(CXXFLAGS) # # Object files used in this assignment: # OBJECTS = assign_08.o barrequester.o randomgeneration.o simulationtime.o all: assign_08 assign_08: $(OBJECTS) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o assign_08 $(OBJECTS) depend: rm -f Makefile.bak mv Makefile Makefile.bak sed '/^# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE/,$$d' Makefile.bak > Makefile echo '# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE' >> Makefile echo '' >> Makefile $(CXX) -MM *.cc >> Makefile clean: rm -f assign_08 *.o core *~ *.bak # DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE