This web page WAS massively out of date. Not it is only moderatly out of date.
I will try to do a better job of getting things in shape and do more frequent updates form now on.
Look around and enjoy!
The Management (12/23/2000)
remember that old game BattleTank? You know the one with the wire frame tanks and too many computer controlled enemies firing strange polygons at you? Well its back and better than ever! No more stupid computer tanks, the game is a fully networked multiplayer version. Its really fun, try it out!
come to Media Super Collider
and play BattleTank!
just be sure to register, or the game won't work right in multi-player mode
Want to know about ducky dominion day? Think it sounds crazy? Think it doesn't have a chance in hell of working? Think that anyone who came up with the idea is probably insane? You're probably right =)
I graduated from HMC (more formally known as Harvey Mudd College) with a degree in Computer Science in 1998.
I spent all four years living in East Dorm. For the first three years I lived in Inertia Suite. The pages linked through Inertia are in an unknown state, but it's unliekly in the extreme that any of them are more infrequently updated than mine =)
Currently I'm working in Irvine California as a Software Engineer (Code Monkey)
I'm currently living in Fullerton, about 15 miles north of Irvine. For L.A. a twenty to thrity minute commute (in good traffic) is a fairly decent one =)
A certain person (who shall remain nameless) wanted to see a picture of me, so here it is. I accept no responsiblity for those of you who choose to look at it and are blinded for your foolishness.
And here's another one, taken in my office at work.
If you still want to complain about how lousy this page is, you can reach me at
schedule fall '96
schedule spring '97 schedule fall '97
schedule spring '97