Geoff's Web Comic Links
Current Favorites
- Questionable Content
- Updates: Weekdays
- Author: Jeph Jacques
- Description: A mostly "real life" comic with the addition of "Anthromorphic" PCs and Macs (ie small robots) and the occasional other near-future SF references thrown in. A lot of the characters are either indie rock fans, baristas, or both, and the story focuses on the relationships between them.
- The Devil's Panties
- Updates: Daily
- Author: Jennie Breedan
- Description: A girl, and goth, and comics, and LARP.
- Geebas On Parade
- Updates: MWF, but with frequent breaks
- Author: Jennie Breedan
- Description: By the author of Devil's Panties, this is a side comic that focuses on her involvement with "Solar," her local LARP group.
- VG Cats
- Updates: Mondays
- Author: Scott Ramsoomair
- Description: A comic about a pair of cats and the video games they play and/or participate in.
- Something Positive
- Updates: Daily, or something like it
- Author: R.K. Millholland
- Description: Cynical comic focused on sex, violence, sarcasm, and making fun of people in both the abstract and specific. Don't read if you're easily offended, or even not so easily.
- xkcd
- Updates: MWF
- Author: Randall Munroe
- Subject: A stick figure comic which features lots of very geeky jokes. Generally each stip is independent of the others and there is no ongoing story.
- The Wings of Change
- Updates: Weekly
- Author: Mariette S. Rose
- Description: Pretty fantasy comic about a winged half-elven girl, a "minature" dragon, and a group of pixie children.
- Sluggy Freelance
- Updates: Daily
- Author: Pete Abrams
- Description: One of the oldest and most influential webcomics out there. Excesively random, with demons and aliens and a killer bunny. The quality varies widely throughout its extensive history, but the good bits are very good.
- Antihero For Hire
- Updates: MWF
- Author: Mark Shallow
- Description: Adventurers! style humor with a comic book theme.
- MegaTokyo
- Updates: MWF (Theoretically)
- Author: Fred Gallagher ("Prio")
- Description: Manga influenced web comic set in Japan. About anime, video games, and "the 3v1l"
- Ozy and Millie
- Updates: TTh (used to be Daily, may be again)
- Author: David Craig Simpson
- Description: Liberal leaning comic with anthropomorphic animals
- Freefall
- Updates: MWF
- Author: Mark Stanley
- Description: Science fiction comic featuring a genetically enginered
wolf-girl, a pick-pocketing con-artist alien, and some robots. I generally
prefer the greyscale
version of the comic.
- Penny Arcade
- Updates: MWF
- Authors: Mike "Gabe" Krahulik and Jerry "Tycho" Holkins
- Description: Mostly deals with games and gaming issues. Might be offensive to those easily offended by foul language and silly representations of violence.
- RPG World
- Updates: MWF
- Author: Ian Jones-Quartey
- Description: Another console RPG comic.
- 8-bit Theatre
- Updates: TThSa
- Author: Brian Clevinger
- Description: Yet another console RPG comic. Well, it started out that way with Final Fantasy 1 sprites, the sprites are still there, but the plot has been diverging somewhat.
- Dragon Tails
- Updates: Weekly, sorta
- Author: Tim Dawson
- Description: A bunch of cute little dragons in the forest, doing dragony things. Like playing video games, building robots, making puns, and trying to launch a rocket to the moon.
- Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki
- Updates: Monthly, sorta
- Author: Kittyhawk
- Description: Odin's servant needs to find someone to be the next Magic-girl Valkyrie. Unfortunatly he accidently picks a guy. Warning for Ranma-esque gender-bender issues.
- PvP
- Updates: Daily
- Author: Scott Kurtz
- Description: Comic about gamers running a gaming magazine.
- Ctrl-Alt-Del
- Updates: MWFS
- Author: Tim Buckley
- Description: Another comic about gamers.
- Candi
- Updates: MTuThF
- Author: Starline Xiomara Hodge
- Description: Another "college student life" comic
Finished or on hiatus
- Adventurers!
- Updates: Completed
- Author: Mark Shallow
- Description: The best console RPG comic out there, IMHO. Unfortunatly after a long final boss battle and ending sequence the comic is now completed. Still worth going back and checking out the archives if you've never seen it before. The improvement in the artist's style during the early stages of the comic is rather remarkable.
- Acid Reflux
- Updates: "Completed"
- Authors: Emily Bingham and Daniel Panamaroff
- Description: A cute little god is given her older sister's used universe as a birthday gift, and sets about trying to fix it up. Unfortunatly this comic ground to a halt when the artist went to college. The last original strip was in 2002. Finally in 2005 a "Mysterious Guest Artist" contributed a short series of strips to try and wrap things up.
- Starsomething
- Updates: Dead in the Water
- Authors: Mark Shallow and Ian Jones-Quartey
- Description: A collaboration between the creators of Adventurers! and RPG World. A silly sci-fi adventure that got off to a good start, but then ground to a halt for some reason in 2003. Then it came back with a flurry of actvity in late 2004 has been quiescent ever since.
These are comics that were either recomended to me by others or that I stumbled across references to and sounded like they might be cool. I have not read a significant amount of any of them however and am unable to make an actual recomendation as to their quality.
Other stuff
Used to read these regularly, but got out of the habit for some reason. Maybe I got bored. Maybe I found better comics to read instead. Maybe they just didn't update frequently enough for me to keep track of them.
Some of these I might pick up again someday, but with web comics once you fall off the wagon it's so easy to justify not trying to get back on. You have to figure out where you stopped and go back and start reading the backlog from then, which seems harder and harder the longer you put it off. If you've got something else to read instead, why bother?
- User Friendly
- Daily
- J.D. Frazer ("Illiad")
- Comic about a bunch of geeks at a small ISP. It was amusing at first, but I just got tired of it after awhile.
- The Boondocks
- Daily
- Aaron McGruder
- I like this one because of the strong liberal leaning, but the text is too small, it seemed kind of corporate, and I just fell out of the habit of reading it.
- Perki Goth and Candi Raver
- Weekly
- Jim Tarpley and Minque Morgan
- Alternate music scene anthropomorphic animals. It was dead for about two years, but they seem to be making an attempt to revive it. If they keep it up I may try to sart reading again.
- Clan of the Cats
- ???
- Jamie Robertson
- Were-cats are cool, especially sexy female were-cats. However I don't really like the art style, and got tired of the story-lines at one point.
Everything here © 2010 Geoff Finger
Except the stuff I didn't make of course