Alumni Feedback

Welcome to the feedback page. This from is primarily intended for students and alumni. If do not fall into one of these two groups, feel free to email me comments, but please do not use this form.

If you do like the proposal, be sure to check the appropriate box, so that you will be added to the ranks of supporters. If you agree with most of the document but still have a couple of reservations, I'd ask that you go ahead and check the box and simply list your concerns in the comments section. Even if you hate this proposal, I'd appreciate hearing from you. With your permission, I'll also add your comments to the Alum/Student Response Page, so rest assured that your concerns will not be ignored.

Name (Required):       Class Year (Required):

Email Address (Optional):

I endorse this proposal and the principles it contains.

Please include my name in the list of signatories.   Please keep my support anonymous.


Return to the Proposal Homapage.

Created by Itai Seggev on 16 Aug 2002. Last modified on 21 Aug 2003.