Over the years I have received recognition for some of my programming projects. This page documents the press/awards that I found in my web surfing.
When Java first hit the scene (around the release of Netscape v2.0), I wrote the Tick-TOCk applet. This applet worked together with a PERL based web spider to allow for windows 95 explorer style navigation (i.e. expanding/collapsing trees) of a web site. This applet was reviewed in the premier edition of JavaWorld and was awarded a JARS Judges Pick on 2-12-96.
My JavaScript Digital Art Gallery was awarded a Javascript.Developer.Com Staff Pick for JavaScript at Home
After getting fed up with the volumes of junk email I was receiving, I started a web site called Netizens Against Gratuitous Spamming (NAGS). I documented some of the tactics I was using to combat junk mail and then started developing a junk mail filter in PERL. This site and the filter have resulted in a slew of articles and awards which include being voted the official cool site of the day on Oct 4th, 1996 and numerous writeups/mentions in magazine articles (CNN, NY times, PC week, Wired..) I have also been interviewed by the LA Times and KFMB Channel 8 news. These awards are more fully documented at the awards section of NAGS. |