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Case File: c5343-54&xf2-d1
Classification: Top Secret
Subject: Acquisition of Tom King from the S.F.C.P.D.

After an extensive search of psychological profiles, the computer determined a patient of the San Francisco Center for the Psychologically Disadvantaged to be a perfect subject for Project Big Bang.

A genetic analysis of Mr. King indicated a predisposition for nontraditional thinking. Furthermore, testing had indicated that Mr. King posessed a remarkable intelligence which was not indicated by academic performance. Our analysis indicated that the sequence of events that led to his incarceration prepared him for the psychological effects of induced enlightenment. His estrangement from his family was determined to be an exploitable asset; it would simplify the acquisition stage of the project. Further discussion of the subject’s childhoos is available in Case File: c5343-98&ux3-q6.

50 mg of Para-Diethlide-Marthasatya-Cycline-25 was added to his diet in order to intensify the introspective episodes he had already been experiencing. This treatment was to serve as the primer for the experiment.

After three weeks of the PDMC-25 treatment, it was determined that Mr. King was prepared. It was decided that the best way to minimize the involvement of insecure external agencies was to remove Mr. King from the SFCP by indirect means. It was decided to arrange for him to escape it, then later apprehend him. To discourage any further investigation by family, we arranged for a badly burned body to be found by the police. When they sent it to the forensics lab, our agents made sure the report back identified the DNA as belonging to Mr. King.

After his escape from the psychiatric ward, our agent in the hospital alerted control. Mr. King was picked up hitchhiking before we were able to respond. We ran a check on the VW van that picked him up. It was registered to a 50 year old college professor and his wife. We trailed them, switching off cars at random intervals.

The van stopped at Haight Street in the nearby city of San Francisco where Mr. King got off. Agents were deployed to follow him. As apprehending him could cause a public disturbance and attract unwanted attention to the operation, we decided to follow him and wait until an appropriate opportunity presented itself.

Mr. King walked down the street with a dazed look in his eyes. A long haired Caucasian in his twenties stopped him and exchanged a few words. Surveillance reported that the interaction was an attempted drug deal.

He then stopped in front of [book store’s name]’s display window and said, "No. Please not that. Not me" He entered into the store and left with a large black book.

He walked around the corner and sat down staring at the cover Inscribed with silver letters, the cover reads: "H.R. Giger's Necronomicon." The print that Mr. King was apparently transfixed with was a segment from The Spell IV. The nature of the insight expressed by Mr. King has been a subject of significant debate. As the design apparently triggered this comment and subsequent emotional turmoil, in addition to the following description of the piece, a copy of it is attached at the end of this report.

A Baphoment similar to those drawn by the occultist Eliphas Levi is represented as a Gigeresque bio-mechanoid. In place of the staff of Hermes is a rifle pointed towards its head. A needle is stuck into its right cybernetically deformed arm The tip of the Baphomet’s central horn pierces the vagina of a pale female figure mounted on a structure: black pentagram covered by an inverted white pentagram. The woman's face melts into the structure and has a look of serenity. In the background lies a wall of pipes and steel.

Some have suggested that this is indicative of a pre-existential awareness of Project Big Bang while others have dismissed this as an unrelated psychological breakdown triggered by disturbing imagery. As evidence both for and against these propositions are only speculative, judgment has been suspended in this report.

Agent Marshall, posing as a taxi driver, picked up Mr. King after he was seen to signal for a taxi. He reported that when he asked Mr. King, "Where to?" He curled into the fetal position and said, "Home. Please take me home." Agent Marshall responded, "I'll take you home. Just relax now..."

The following transcript is taken from inter-vehicle surveillance.

Begin Transcript:

Mr. King: We are heading east but my home is north of here.
Shouldn’t you turn around?

Agent Marshall: I’m taking you to your new home Tom.

Mr. King: [Tries to open the door, but finds it is locked.]
Let me out of here. [Kicks at the Plexiglas separating the
driver and passenger compartments] What sort of a taxi is this?

Agent Marshall: Relax. We will be home shortly.

End Transcript.
After arriving at our temporary research facilities, the cab rendezvoused with a pair of agents who were waiting to sedate the test subject.

"Your sick Tom. These men can help you get better. If you don’t cooperate, we can’t help you." Urged Agent Marshall as the physicians advanced towards Mr. King.

Mr. King screamed, "No! I won’t let you get me" and attacked the first physician. Agent Marshall executed a roundhouse kick and then immobilized Mr. King as the second physician sedated him.

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