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Case File: c5343-32$dq9-e3
Classification: Top Secret
Subject: Fallout from Project Big Bang and Location of Tom King

Project Big Bang was the Department of Bio-Social Engineering’s top secret research experiment in artificial enlightenment. Decades of research culminated in the final experiment performed upon Tom King.

Mr. King was connected to the prototype after months of treatment with Para-Diethlide-Marthasatya-Cycline-25 (a highly potent hallucinogenic nootrop developed by the project for the purpose of priming the subject for the experiment.) Five minutes and 24 seconds into the third and final stage of the procedure, Mr. King blacked out. As the procedure no longer required his conscious mind, it was continued.

After the experiment was finished, he was moved to room C-360 where his life signs and brain activity were monitored for signs of consciousness. One of the personnel who was monitoring his signs noted at 2:35 am there was a short spike in activity which quickly abated. It was decided that this was the result of R.E.M. sleep. At 2:37 am the subject’ s life signs went dead. An emergency medical team rushed to the room, and found to their suprise that Mr. King was nowhere to be found.

High level department agents and the scientists who were responsible for the project were called for a 3:00 am priority-1 meeting. By 3:10 am all had arrived except the four scientists and the Director of Bio-Social Engineering. Agents were dispatched to their quarters. The scientists were found dead; their fists shoved down their throats. No sign of forced entry or a scuffle was visible. The Director was found weeping in the fetal position on the floor. To this day our best psychiatrists have been unable to resuscitate him from his catatonic state. He has proven unable or unwilling to speak other than an occasional whimper: "It’s all gone."

When it was attempted to access the project records, it was found that all but a selected few files from Mr. King’s case study were not accessible. The computer had no record of ever having the information. Tape backups of the data were also manipulated in a similar manner. We can only speculate about the connection between the scientist’s deaths, the Director’s condition, and the destruction of the projects data files. Taken together, this unfortunate string of calamities has destroyed the last 15 years of the project’s progress.

An investigation was immediately launched. Mr. King’s description was sent out to our agents world wide. After a week, we received a report of him having visited Rabbi Frank, a prominent religious figure in New York. We sent two agents, Parks and Andrews, to interview Mr. Frank. Rabbi Frank reported a meeting with a strange man who fit Mr. King ’s description but introduced himself as The Roshi. According to Mr. Frank’s account, Mr. King told him not to be afraid and then placed his palm on the Rabbi’s forehead. This is the only memory of Mr. King that Rabbi Frank has. He claimed that when Mr. King’s hand touched his forehead, he passed out. When he awoke he said he had had a strange dream in which he had an extended discussion with the man about religion and spirituality. When Agent Andrews pressed for Rabbi Frank to remember more, Agent Parks reported that Agent Andrew’s eyes rolled up into his head and he went into convulsions. Agent Parks quickly apologized to the Rabbi, grabbed Agent Andrews and reported to base. After an hour Agent Andrew’s health returned to him.

Upon reading the report of this incident, the new director remembered a dream he had had the previous evening in which Mr. King had told him that this was his final warning. Given the nature of the unexplained events following the experiment, we have decided that the risk is unacceptable and have ceases all active investigations towards Mr. King.

We have since received reports of him visiting various religious figures including a number of priests, llamas, and wise men regarded as spiritually evolved in Tibet, Sri Lanka, Japan, and India.

Addendum 1: Current location of Tom King AKA The Roshi: Unknown

Addendum 2: It has been decided that with the exception of these records, Project Big Bang does not exist and has never existed.

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