This is my terribly long and intricate Illuminator policy that I wrote a few years ago for Angreal-MOO. I lead the guild for a bit and started things going but then ... stuff happened and it didn't work out so well. I think the Guild is still running over there, and I donated this info. to Tales of Taveren MUSH (a much friendlier place) and 4 people there have started a Guild. And I'm happy ... *woo-woo*!

Well, when you look at this ... oogle at how much free time I musta had a year ago. :P The guild is a society in Robert Jordon's Wheel of Time series (actually a family) that is very secretive and makes multi-millions on fireworks. This is probably boring unless you are really interested, and I have even *more* but I lost it amid papers and such that pile on my desk. Happy readings - does anyone want to make an epic poem on this?

-Jeff Hartline (Ex-Grandmaster)

> Overview:

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> IC OVERVIEW: The Guild is an isolated and secretive family. They follow their own set of ethics and code, and also their own history. Their secrets are unique and well kept, and it is considered impossible to make an Illuminator talk. They make and display fireworks to the world, striving for the maximun proffit possible. At times, they will sell manufactured fireworks, but buyers are limited to certain well-trusted friends (often Gleemen). Deeper into the heart of the Guild, they are ancient players of the Game: following their own philosophies and aiming for their own goals. This secret is kept even dearer than that of the firework, and only the most loyal member knows of this hidden depth. (I have written a lengthy bit on the philosophies and prophecies of the Guild on paper with some transcribed to the computer. If you want this, ask me for it but expect a delay (I have to type up a lot of stuff), thanks!)

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> Apprentices and Initiates:

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> APPRENTICES: Apprentices are the lowest rank of Illuminators, a name given to children before the reach the age of 14 and give themselves to the Guild. Apprentices are not considered Guild members, and they recieve little lessons from the Guild. Instead, the are taught school basics with the city children, only occasionally taking a private lesson at the Guild House. In this fashion, Apprentices have no clothing requirement, as they are not considered worthy of Guild attire. At this stage, unworthy children are banished from the Guild, their knowledge not considered threatening. Once they pass 14, however, they are adopted into the Chapter House, and intense lessons begin. Shortly after this age, once deemed faithful, they become Initiates... members for life.

> > INITIATES: The Initiate is the intermediate step between Apprentice and Illuminator, and unworthiness means reform or certain death. The appropriate clothing of an Initiate is similar to a full member, except for that their clothing must be colored gray. They begin training, already knowing the basics of fireworks, and can specialize in certain areas or learning. Also, Initiates are taught the philosophy and history of the Guild, as well as an overview of the meaning of TIlluminator.U The system is explained, and the Initiate must choose a desired direction. Once this is chosen, and the members loyalty tested, the Initiate will be raised in Guild ceremony.

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> Illuminators:

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> ILLUMINATORS: The title Illuminator is a board title within the Guild, though narrow among the world population. An Illuminator is, of course, tied to the Guild forever, only death able to break this bond of secrecy. Members have different functions, internally (within the Guild only) distinguishable by there class (a symbol on a medallion). Each of these classes have a function within the Guild and outside the Guild. Not all class are equal, some have more authority and some less, and, likewise, some have tight requirements for members. The five classes and the symbols representing them are nobles (crown), enforcers (*special*), historians (wheel), research and design (sparkling fuse), and ambassadors (set of scales). The five classes are explained more definately in the next paragraphs.

> Nobles, Blue: Members must have pure lines dating centuries back. They are the most authoritive class, the Grandmaster a noble, and operate mainly within the Guild. They handle foreign affairs from a distance, decidng when and where to do what. Nobles are the most knowledgable of Daes Daemar, yet know little of the actual practice (technicalities only). Their job is to run the GuildUs framework, and keep all classes working to the good of the entire Guild.

> Enforcers, Green: A shady force working both inside and out of the Guild. They are second to nobles in authority, and are responsible for Guild secrets. The enforcers are the Guilds link to the outside, if killing must be done the enforcers arrange it through their darker links (thieves and thugs). Unlike the others who wear a certain medallion, the enforcers have no real medallion or symbol. Instead, enforcers are disguised as another class (of their choice) and wear that classU medallion. They wear normal clothing for that class, except switch into Initiate Gray or dark green robes whenever hunting down a suspect. To the rest of the Guild, the enforcers are known as much as the Black Ajah is know at the White Tower. They are just ghosts of terror, and threats to misbehaving Initiates and Apprentices. Rumors are that, perhaps, all Illuminators are greens (which would greatly increase protection of the Guild secrets).

> Historians, Yellow: Although some venture on their quests for knowledge, most historians remain in the Chapter House for life. While a reverend class given great respect, they have no actual power (rated the same as research and design agents and the ambassadors). They are teachers and historians, keeping the Guild history a fresh memory in the minds of all young Initiates. They also help the nobles with scribing and scheduling, yet generally stick to themselves even within the Guild.

> Research and Design, Red: These are typically much like the yellow, only they scribe the art of fireworks. As research and design, they work in the labs to design and mass produce fireworks. They always work for the best, being sure to maximize safety while decreasing cost and increasing hype. They are typically unknowledgable of the Guilds darker motives, and find great joy in their work.

> Ambassadors, Purple: Sellers and traders who work to the greatest proffit. They train as Initiates in charisma skills and salesman appeal, learning the art of bargaining and the worth of money. Ambassadors are trained in etiquette and a physcological manipulation, then they are sent as ambassadors to negotiate deals with foreign courts.

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> Requirements:

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> Apprentice ---> Initiate: To be raised to an Initiate, an Apprentice must have:

> 1) successfully completed a course in secrecy, trust, and loyalty.

> 2) successfully completed a course in firework burning and safety.

> 3) recieved a recommendation of an Illuminator.

> 4) made a volunteer oathe of loyalty to the Grandmaster.

> *** Apprentices are not raised until after age 14

> > Initiate ---> Illuminator: To be raised to an Illuminator, an Initiate must have:

> 1) successfully trained in the following areas:

> a) secrecy, trust, and loyalty

> b) the three TpUs (powders, propulsion, and procedure)

> c) guild Thistory and philosophyU

> d) guild TpoliticalU

> 2) successfully trained in two of the following majors:

> a) the three TpUs mastery

> b) guild ThistoryU mastery

> c) bartering and etiquette

> d) showmanship

> e) Daes Daemar and manipulation

> f) the TArtU (thieving, disguise, forgery, etc.)

> 3) created an original firework.

> 4) completed squirehood in a successful display.

> 5) formally sworn in (during the ceremony)

> 6) accepted the brand (during the ceremony)

> 7) worn their medallion

> *** Initiates become Illuminators the night after celebration

> *** the brand: a small brand located either at the nape of the members neck (female) or behind the left shoulder (male). This brand is shaped like a spinning ball of flame circling a single eye. The sign is known only to Guild members, and it would mean nothing to anyone else. Blues are excluded from this ritual.

> *** the medallion: varies depending on class, it is worn on a necklace with the classU sign on the front and the picture of the Grandmaster on the back. The symbols are known only to members, the necklace is concealed beneath the Illuminators clothing.

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> Politics:

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> POLITICAL STRUCTURE: The Illuminators are run by the Conclave of the Guild, a group consisting of 4 chief Illuminators. Each class is represented, the Grandmaster for the nobles, and the representatives (called ShalUal, a word from the Old Tongue adopted by the Guild (ShalUal means TBrothers of the FlameU) present the needs and wants of their class to the four others. A ShalUal is elected by his-her class but then approved by the Grandmaster (the Grandmaster is not elected, unlike the other classes, and is appointed head of the nobles for life). The ShalUal serve for one year, but can be re-elected at the end of his term. The power within the Conclaves sets the Grandmaster as the obvious leader, the ShalUal equal to each other in power. However, the Grandmaster does not have complete power, rather an slightly superior equivalance to two of the lesser leaders. The Conclave meets regularly once every month, while the Grandmaster can call an emergency meeting at any time.

> THE STAFFS OF POWER: The power structure, as mentioned before, does not give the Grandmaster complete power. The systematic monarchy runs as thus: two Staffs of Power exist (these are two equally sized wooden staffs that are also weak terUangreals [if allowed, else they are mere staffs]), these are the Greater Staff and the Lesser Staff. The lesser is equal to two thirds of the power of the greater, and it is held by the Grandmaster. The greater belongs to the Conclave of the Guild, possessed in equality by each of the ShalUal. Thus, the GrandmasterUs rule can be defeated by the larger power of the Greater Staff (when all ShalUal are in opposition to the Grandmaster). Of course, the Grandmaster would be able to bribe one ShalUal to weight the vote and make defeat impossible (rarely done, but rarely needed for nearly all historical cases the Grandmaster has acted as a benevolent ruler).

> THE GRANDMASTER: Always a blue (noble), the Grandmaster represents purity of blood. The position is gained by heredity, and assumed once the childUs father (the previous Grandmaster) dies. The Grandmaster remains in power for life, and is the permanent ShalUal of the nobles. In the case of no successor, the nobles must represent nominations to the Conclave, and the most TpureU blooded is raised.

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> Generics:

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> CLOTHING: The general clothing of an Illuminator is the baggy leggings and golden embroidery seen in the books and-or thick magi robes for esteemed members.. The color of the clothing based on clan, although Initiates wear gray (Apprentices wear city clothing). This clothing is always worn within the Chapter House and during honorable dealings with the outside. In some cases, members wear normal clothing while doing things that, if caught, would not want to be traced to the Guild.


> GENERIC HISTORY: The member was born and raised in the blood of a Guild couple. In the early ages, he-she is schooled in the local city, yet at the age of 14 he-she is handed to the Guild. At this time, he-she begins his-her training as an unlearned pupil. Outsiders are not permitted within the Guild, nor do Illuminator children leave the Guild for other careers. One born into the Guild has no other choice but to be a member, and, likewise, one not born inside the Guild may never join. Note that before the age of 14 a child may leave the Guild, though such behavior is definately not supported by any worthy parents (the banning of a child considered a social disgrace).

> GUILD GUARDS: Guards are hired members that do not need to be of blood. Because of this, however, they are not entreated with any secrets, and all traveling shipments of fireworks come with one Illuminator per ten guards (minimal of one Illuminator and dependant on the value of the transported goods). The guards are paid high wages to ensure faith, and before being hired ALL guards must be valued to be noble, honest, and elite to prevent unnecessary risk.

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Cases of 'T' and 'U' should be replaces with 's and "s etc.