Textcloud Generation

By Jane Hoffswell (CS5B)

Text Cloud Generation: Using a given source of text, the frequency of each word is determined in order to create a map for which the most frequnent words are the largest on the screen. In other words: size represents the frequency of the word.

Note: The only necessary field to fill is the URL field. If you choose not to consider any of the other options, they will proceed with a preset value. However, if you want to enter text, it is necessary to choose the Text option above the 'Enter a URL' field.

URL Text

Enter a URL:

(Note: An example URL is: http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~cs5grad/cs5/textcloud/page1.html)

Enter a depth:
(Note: The depth is the number of pages of "web-crawling" i.e. links followed.)


Enter some text:


Enter the maximum number of words displayed:

Choose a disply order:

Choose a font:

Choose a color scheme:

Choose the order of the color scheme: Ordered Random

Choose a background color:
(Note: If you choose the same color text and background the cloud will not be visible. Duh.)