answer: First I propose a loop invariant:
x >= 0
y == y0
prod == (x0 - x)*y0
I notice that this invariant, coupled with the exit condition: x <= 0, implies the output condition: prod == x0*y0. I must now show that the proposed invariant really is invariant. This is done by transition induction:
basis: The first time the invariant is encountered, it is true, since
a) x == x0
x0 >= 0 implies x >= 0
b) y == y0
c) x == x0 and prod == 0 implies prod == (x0 - x)*y0
induction step: Assume the invariant true at the current point, to show it is true the next time, if there is a next time. If there is a next time, then x > 0 from the test condition and, using primes to designate the values at that time:
x' == x - 1
y' == y
prod' == prod + y
To show x' >= 0 y' == y0
prod' == (x0 - x')*y0, we substitute for the primed
quantities, which gives us that is sufficient to show:
x - 1 >= 0
y == y0
prod + y == (x0 - (x-1))*y0
The first conjunct follows from x > 0, the second follows from the induction hypothesis, and the third is equivalent to:
prod + y0 == (x0 - x + 1)*y0
which also follows from the induction hypothesis prod == (x0 - x)*y0