Java methods do not accept methods as arguments

(unlike, say, rex)

There are two ways of getting the effect of a function such as map:


The second of these requires some ideas more advanced than we can present right now, so we illustrate only the first.


Wired-in version of map:

In order to achieve a map effect, refer to a possible definition of map in rex:

map(F, [ ]) => [ ];
map(F, [A | L]) => [F(A) | map(F, L)];

In Java, suppose the function is a known static method. Only the list is an argument:


static IntList mapF(IntList L)
if( isEmpty(L) )
  return IntList.nil;


return IntList.cons(F(IntList.first(L)), mapF(;


For example, if we wanted to square each element of a list, then F would be defined as:

static int F(int x)
return x*x;


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