// This is Scribble2.java, a modification by Robert Keller of Scribble.java, // to use an off-screen buffer. // This example is from the book "Java in a Nutshell, Second Edition". // Written by David Flanagan. Copyright (c) 1997 O'Reilly & Associates. // You may distribute this source code for non-commercial purposes only. // You may study, modify, and use this example for any purpose, as long as // this notice is retained. Note that this example is provided "as is", // WITHOUT WARRANTY of any kind either expressed or implied. import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; public class Scribble2 extends Applet { private int last_x, last_y; // Store the last mouse position. private Color current_color = Color.black; // Store the current color. private Button clear_button; // The clear button. private Choice color_choices; // The color dropdown list. Image image; // This method is called to initialize the applet. // Applets don't have a main() method. public void init() { // Set the background color this.setBackground(Color.white); // Create a button and add it to the applet. Set the button's colors clear_button = new Button("Clear"); clear_button.setForeground(Color.black); clear_button.setBackground(Color.lightGray); this.add(clear_button); // Create a menu of colors and add it to the applet. // Also set the menus's colors and add a label. color_choices = new Choice(); color_choices.addItem("black"); color_choices.addItem("red"); color_choices.addItem("yellow"); color_choices.addItem("green"); color_choices.setForeground(Color.black); color_choices.setBackground(Color.lightGray); this.add(new Label("Color: ")); this.add(color_choices); image = createImage(size().width, size().height); } // This method is called when the user clicks the mouse to start a scribble. public boolean mouseDown(Event e, int x, int y) { last_x = x; last_y = y; return true; } // This method is called when the user drags the mouse. public boolean mouseDrag(Event e, int x, int y) { Graphics g = image.getGraphics(); g.setColor(current_color); g.drawLine(last_x, last_y, x, y); repaint(); // not in Scribble.java last_x = x; last_y = y; return true; } // This method is called when the user clicks the button or chooses a color public boolean action(Event event, Object arg) { // If the Clear button was clicked on, handle it. if (event.target == clear_button) { Graphics g = image.getGraphics(); Rectangle r = this.bounds(); g.setColor(this.getBackground()); g.fillRect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); return true; } // Otherwise if a color was chosen, handle that else if (event.target == color_choices) { if (arg.equals("black")) current_color = Color.black; else if (arg.equals("red")) current_color = Color.red; else if (arg.equals("yellow")) current_color = Color.yellow; else if (arg.equals("green")) current_color = Color.green; return true; } // Otherwise, let the superclass handle it. else return super.action(event, arg); } // The following are not in Scribble.java public void paint(Graphics g) { g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null); } public void update(Graphics g) { paint(g); } }