Exercise 3.9.1:
map( (x) => x*x*x, L) where "L" is the list of elements to cube.

Exercise 3.9.4:
(f o g o h)' = (f' o g o h) * (g' o h) * (h')

by the chain rule which states that the derivative of a composite function is the product of the <> and the <>. In this case, the inner function is a composition of two functions (g and h). The derivative of (g o h) is evaluated to produce (g' o h) * (h').

Exercise 3.9.7:
map(compose(F, G), L) == map(F, map(G, L)) is a true functional identity. Functions F and G are applied to L in the same order.

map(F, reverse(L)) == reverse(map(F, L))
is a true functional identity. Function F changes the values of the elements, regardless of their order. Reverse changes the order of the elements, regardless of their value.

map(F, append(L,M)) == append(map(F, L), map(F, M))
is a true functional identity. In both cases, function F is applied to all the elements of both L and M and the output is a single list.