Class Poly.ListEnum
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Class Poly.ListEnum


public class ListEnum
extends Object
implements Enumeration
ListEnum is an enumeration class for the class List. It implements the interface java.util.Enumeration, i.e. the methods: hasMoreElements() and nextElement(). Note that because ListEnum implements Enumeration, the return type for nextElement() is Object and not Poly.

Constructor Index

 o ListEnum(List)
ListEnum constructs a ListEnum from a List.

Method Index

 o hasMoreElements()
hasMoreElements() indicates whether there are more elements left in the enumeration.
 o nextElement()
nextElement returns the next element in the enumeration.


 o ListEnum
  public ListEnum(List L)
ListEnum constructs a ListEnum from a List.


 o hasMoreElements
  public boolean hasMoreElements()
hasMoreElements() indicates whether there are more elements left in the enumeration.
 o nextElement
  public Object nextElement()
nextElement returns the next element in the enumeration.

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