Games for Climate Change Literacy

Instructor: Prof. Lynn Kirabo
Department: Computer Science & Hixon Center for Climate and the Environment

CLES120 students spend the semester designing transformational games for climate change literacy. Using human-computer interaction methodologies and behavioral theories, the students design non-digital climate change literacy games to inspire positive behavior change in players.
This class draws inspiration from Dr. Jessica Hammer's Transformational Game Design Studio.


Spring '24, class

Inaugural Cohort

Students designed thirty two non-digital games, recruited 65 external playtesters (students outside the class and family members) for their games, and conducted 13 in-class playtest sessions (4 sessions included 5C faculty and staff members who all had secret missions).

This class also hosted the first Games Cafe during the HMC presentation days. For three hours, students, staff, faculty, friends and community members spent 3 hours playing the games students created.
