Kevin's Mudd Webspace

“It's a website! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯”

Welcome Friend

You're telling me I can write whatever I want here? Like, anything? Wow. All this power is kind of humbling. Maybe I should put down the keyboard.

I'm Kevin McSwiggen, a computer science graduate from Harvey Mudd College. This page contains information about stuff that I'm doing currently and/or have done in the past.


  • This just in: typeof NaN === 'number', and my soul hurts.
  • Moved to the Bay Area, woohoo!
  • Started getting back into Age of Empires... uh-oh.
  • I wish I had taken Practicum every semester!
  • The Impossible Kid by Aesop Rock currently has my vote for best album of 2016.

Kevin McSwiggen


Hello, I'm Kevin! I'm a computer science major from Harvey Mudd College who graduated in Spring 2016 and is now conquering the real world.

I like doing code-y stuff of pretty much any kind. (No, really, almost anything.)

Hobbies include headphones, cooking, and internet.

You can contact me at kmcswiggen (at) if you aren't a robot. (If you are a robot, I probably can't stop you from contacting me, but my replies will not be as prompt. Sorry.)

Courses from my last semester:

Course #   Title             Times          Notes
CSCI125    Computer Networks TR 9:35 W 4:15 (TCP/IP is like... an onion!)
CSCI184    Clinic            T  11:00       (and all my other time besides)
CSCI189    Practicum         3-5 hr/wk      (Makin' APPS!)
CSCI195    Colloquium        R  4:15        (Presentations are mostly cool)
ECON045    Microeconomics    TR 1:15        (Pretending we're rational!)
LGCS011    Intro to CogSci   MW 11:00       (Brains are silly...)
EAST127    Lounge Troll      UMTWRFS        (Living On Easty Street)



Programming Languages: proficient with C++, C♯, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Python; knowledgeable in Haskell, Java, Objective-C; familiarity working with Prolog, Racket, x86 assembly

Development Experience: working with a team on a year-long project as part of clinic; web design using HTML5 semantics; small and medium-scale program design and development; writing and refactoring code for performance; complex data structure use and implementation; debugging at source and assembly level

Software: Windows, Unix; Visual Studio; Microsoft Office; LaTeX; Adobe Photoshop, Flash, Illustrator; GIMP


B.S. Computer Science; Concentration in Philosophy – May 2016 – Major GPA: 3.4
Dean's List Fall 2014, Fall 2015

For further professional info about me, my full resume is here: [link]


Personal and Academic Projects

More things will become visible here overtime.

You can check out my GitHub page, but it's kind of empty right now. (Most of my repos happen to be private...) I'm working on it.

Past Projects:

  • Fraction Blaster – an iPad game for elementary school students in spaaace! Developed by Louis Brann, Kevin Choi, Alejandro Mendoza, and of course myself. Now available for free on the app store!
  • The C proxy that will never let you down – a project for CS105 that injects Rick Astley's “Never Gonna Give You Up” into every page you load, because we're bad people. Developed by me and Chris Brown. (Link forthcoming)
  • More/older things that I'll add here eventually

Scraps which I already have online:

Coming Soon to a webpage near you right here:

  • An HTML5 app for making and saving ink annotations on videos! (Under development)
  • Implementation and analysis of a segmented prime sieve (Needs to be made web-friendly)
  • At some point I'm gonna look into fixing the brief display issues when this page first loads. It's intended to be accessible even if you have JavaScript disabled, but this makes it look less good for people who DON'T have it disabled, if only for a brief moment.
  • Numerous small JavaScript utilities (useful stuff) and dealies (fun stuff; technical term).
    • Markov-generated sin
    • Ken-ken helper
    • JSON visualizer, because sometimes it's cathartic to reinvent the wheel
  • Probably more?

About This Webpage

I originally designed and coded this site as a demo project page for Harvey Mudd's intro CS class. They are (were?) starting to integrate web technologies into the course as extra credit, and Professor Dodds thought it would be really cool if the students had individual project pages that they could update as they go along, both to take advantage of the new things that they learn about the web, and to interactively show off some of the scripts they make for the class.

This started out as something like a prototype. I tried as much as possible to make the look both clean and classy, showing off all kinds of little details with CSS and such as kind of a teaching page. I decided to do the whole thing in bog-standard JavaScript also, in part as a demonstration and in part because using all of JQuery seemed like overkill for such a tiny page, you know? (The experience was a little bit zen. More people should use plain JS.)

Of course, it looked slightly different at that point. The old version is enshrined here for personal posterity, complete with boatloads of comments all over the source, so curious students could more easily pick apart the page. Pardon the kind of nonsense content—I wasn't responsible for designing the curriculum track, just the webpage, so the text is mostly stupid garbage intended to fill the space. Some of the technical information in the body text is also kind of meta and maybe inaccurate so ignore that junk too. (The comments are still pretty good, though.)

The most important part of it, arguably, were the forms that could be used to interact with server-side Python scripts (which would hypothetically be written by the students.) Though mostly not super-involved, they would serve as templates for students curious about server interaction and HTTP. Those are also still accessible below, for two different scripts and with two versions (of differing input complexity) for each. If you try out the Mandelbrot generator, make sure you turn off your pop-up blocker!
