Details for a given ZIP3 zone would hypothetically appear here on hover.
(Maybe I'll make a text box to type in a given ZIP3 as well?)
Displays military accession rates for US ZIP3 zones normalized by population. The data are ugly which has dampened my will to continue working on it, but I plan to keep it around indefinitely and maybe shame myself into making it look and work better eventually for the experience of it.
You can scroll to zoom and drag to pan within the map area in case you want a closer look at all those pretty shades of red! It currently breaks the hover outlining, though. In an ideal world a) (that wouldn't happen obviously) and b) there would be dedicated view controls, because honestly I hate scrolly zoom.
Data courtesy of the US Census Beureau mostly, plus accession numbers (as I recall) from some wilfully-difficult data endpoint of the US Military.