Averaging Short Time FFTs

In order to determine a pitch as it is being played in real time, a continuous stream of FFTs will need to be taken. This series of overlapping FFTs is called a spectrogram. Once a note has been played, the FFT can be taken of a short time sample (n=4096). We will then compare the short time FFT to pre-constructed template of each note the violin can play. In order to construct each template, we will take a spectrogram of a note we already know the pitch of, and average the short time FFTs over the entire note. Below is one such average. This average is not normalized, although first normalizing each short time FFT and then averaging all of them together may also yield a reasonable average.

Underneath the average is the varience, which should be useful for estimating error. This variance is over a note with vibrato, so it's not surprising that there is so much variance around the harmonics.