An Introduction to VSAM Files and Operations

Mark Kampe

1. Introduction

An indexed sequential file is comprised of a sequence of records, each of which has one or more unique keys. Records can be read sequentially, but it is also possible to seek directly to any desired record by its key value. The indexed part of the name comes from the fact that the system maintains an index that can be consulted (much like an index in a book) to find the record number, in the file, associated with a particular key.

IBM's core business has been "Enterprise Servers" and commercial databases since long before anybody even knew what an Enterprise Server was. Today, when we talk about databases, most people think of relational databases (which can be searched based on complex queries). Historically, however, most business databases have been indexed sequential files. IBM has been a late-adaptor in many Operating System technologies ... but they have always been the Market Leaders in indexed sequential file support.

IBM's flagship Indexed Sequential File product is VSAM. We will study it in this class because:

2. Features of Indexed Sequential Files

With ordinary sequential files, people expect to be able to read the file efficiently (which means a small number of large transfers, with minimal head movement). With indexed sequential files we have a few additional expectations:

The first thing we think of with indexed sequential files is the index ... but it often turns out that efficient insertion, and scalable growth are probably the most difficult problems. There are, however, a great many secondary features that the customers of Indexed Sequential files often demand:

3. Structural Overview

Like all MVS files, VSAM files are comprised of multiple extents, each extent being a fairly large chunk of contiguous space. In VSAM each of the contiguous extents is called a Control Area (or CA).

Control Areas

The Control Area is the unit of space allocation, and when there is no more room in an existing Control Area, a new Control Area is added to the data set.

Each Control Area is divided up into multiple Control Intervals (or CIs). Each Control Interval contains multiple records, but we will always read or write an entire Control Interval at a time. Thus, the Control Interval is the unit of I/O.

Control Areas are generally made up of tracks in a single cylinder, which means that all of the Control Intervals within a Control Area are likely to reside in a single cylinder. This means that seeking from one Control Interval to another (within a Control Area) generally involves no head motion. VSAM will take advantage of this to implement efficient record insertion.

Control Intervals

A Control Interval can contain many records. If the records are not all of constant length, the number of records in each CI will also vary. Also, as we will see when we discuss record insertion, all CIs are created with a moderate amount of free space (to leave room for newly inserted records).

All of the records in a CI (along with their keys) are packed at the beginning of the CI. At the end of each CI is a descriptor (including a record length) for each record in the CI. The area between the records and their descriptors is free space ... to accommodate new records.

VSAM Indices

The "key" to random access is an index. All VSAM files have at least one primary index (for the primary key). If records have multiple keys, there may be multiple indices (one for each key).

A VSAM index contains one entry for each active Control Interval. The entries are sorted in key order, and each entry contains:

This requires only a few bytes of information per track. This means that VSAM indices tend to be very small, can be kept in memory, and can be searched very quickly.

Note that keys may be sparse (e.g. the existence of records with keys A104JM326 and A104JM328 does not imply there is a record A104JM327). If the index says that CI #124 contains records up to A104JL300 and that CI #125 contains records up to A104JM400, we can infer that if there is a record A104JM327, it should be found in CI #125. If we look in CI #125 and do not find it, we can safely infer that there is no such record in the file.

4. Finding a Desired Record

To find a desired record we must search the Index to find the first Control Interval that contains a key greater than or equal to the one we want. Because the index is made up of fixed-sized entries, we can do a binary search to find the desired entry very quickly.

Once we find the appropriate index entry, it will point us to the Control Interval that should contain the record we want. We can then read in that CI, and search it for the desired record.

The records, within the Control Interval, are in key-order, so we can stop our search as soon as we find either the key we want or a key value higher than the one we want. In the latter case we can infer that the requested record does not (yet) exist.

If we keep the index in memory, this entire operation can be done with one disk reads, and two quick in-memory searches. This satisfies our goal of efficient random-access.

5. Record Insertion

When we insert a new record into the file, our primary goal is to insure that any changes we make to the file organization do not significantly slow down sequential or random-access processing. Our secondary goal is to minimize the time and I/O required to perform the insertion. VSAM uses the CA/CI organization to help it achieve both of these goals.

In the simplest case, we read in the appropriate Control Interval, and insert the new record into it (shifting higher-keyed records forward into the free-space), and then write the Control Interval back out to disk again. One read, and one write.

What if there is insufficient room, in that Control Interval, for the new record? In this case we find an unallocated Control Interval in the same Control Area, and we then move half of the records in the current (full) Control Interval into the new one. After this, each of the two Control Intervals will be only half-full, and there should be ample room for inserting the desired record into the appropriate CI. This requires one read and two writes to update the CIs ... and we will also have to update the index (to know about the new Control Interval). After this overflow, it will take one extra read to process the database (to read the new Control Interval) but (because the new CI is in the same cylinder as the old one) there should be no additional head motion.

What if there are no free CIs left in the current CA? This is a bigger problem. In this case, we allocate a whole new extent to the file and create it as a new Control Area. We then take half of the Control Intervals in the current (full) CA (e.g. the lowest keyed half), and move them into the new CA. Once this is done, there will be ample free CIs in both CAs, and it should be a long time before another such overflow occurs. CA overflow involves a lot of I/O, followed by a lot of index updating. Note, however, that CIs for closely related keys are still in the same CA, so there will not be much additional head motion when processing the file sequentially.

6. Sequential File Access

To process the file sequentially, we merely read in the Control Intervals, in the order in which they are listed in the index. If there have been many insertions and overflows, there may be considerable seeking back and forth between Control Intervals. Seeking back and forth between Control Intervals may involve some rotational latency delays, but will not involve any head motion (because all CIs in a CA are usually in the same cylinder). After processing all of the Control Intervals within one Control Area, we will have to reposition the heads to access the next Control Area, but there will be no further head motion until we have processed all of its Control Intervals.

Thus, even after numerous insertions and overflows, we are still able to sequentially read the entire file in large reads (one CI or track at a time) and with minimal head movement. This satisfies our goal of efficient sequential access.

7. VSAM Free Space Management

The CA/CI structure of VSAM makes it possible to handle insertion overflows with minimal head motion ... but any time we overflow a CI we will have to do extra I/O (to a new CI). The I/O associated with overflowing a CA is horrendous ... but fortunately this doesn't happen very often. The way to minimize this extra I/O is to minimize insertion overflows:

Leaving empty space in each Control Interval reduces I/O efficiency. If 20 records would fit in a track, but we decide to leave 50% free space in each Control Interval, we would double the number of tracks we have to read in order to process the database. Leaving unallocated Control Intervals in a Control Area further increases the disk space required to hold our database.

Thus there is tradeoff to be made between the database size, sequential processing time, and the efficiency of new record insertions. If we leave very little free space in the database, it will be smaller and faster to process sequentially, but it will experience many expensive insertion overflows. If we leave a great deal of free space we can greatly reduce the number of insertion overflows, but we will pay for it in greatly increased disk space and sequential processing time. TANSTAAFL!

Data base administrators have to weigh these trade-offs, and decide what the optimum free space margin is, given their expectations for database size, growth, and processing.

We can create a database with nicely distributed free-space, and well allocated Control Intervals ... but after a few million record insertions and deletions the free space distribution will not be as good, and processing time will steadily increase. For this reason, VSAM database administrators periodically recreate their databases ... writing out all the records to tape, and then reading them back into a brand-new database, with well distributed free space. This has many of the same advantages as defragmentation in FAT file systems.

8. Summary

For many years IBMs Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM) was the industry standard for databases. Its successor (VSAM) remains a strong force in the market, even after the advent of more sophisticated relational databases.

The structure of VSAM files, and the record insertion process may seem very complex when compared with simpler (e.g. DOS FAT) file systems ... but DOS FAT files don't support keyed access or record insertion, and are significantly slower than VSAM files even for simple sequential reading. Given the problems to be solved, the VSAM mechanisms are elegantly simple.

While indexed sequential files have some unique requirements, almost all modern file systems are designed to mitigate the unique performance characteristics of movable head rotating magnetic media. VSAM was designed to ensure efficient sequential processing (large transfers with few seeks), and is capable of delivering this even after record insertions have increased the size of the database by an order of magnitude. Until rotating magnetic media is replaced by a new technology with very different access time characteristics, the lessons of VSAM will continue to be a good foundation for understanding almost any other file system.

The basic technique of leaving free space in each cylinder so that related records can be inserted without introducing gratuitous head motion is a key principle in file system design. When Bill Joy at UC Berkeley set out to improve the performance of UNIX file systems, the Cylinder Clusters he introduced were very similar in principle to VSAM's Control Areas.

9. References

IBM VSE/VSAM V6R1 User's Guide
Document SC33-6632-00, IBM Library Server, book IESVUE00