CS 110 Arch/OS
Grading - Fibonacci Grading
15 Points
What this project attempts to do is:
to trace execution of a recursive and nonrecursive solutions
get students to program in assembly,
learn how to use gdb
trace sliding windows in the SPARC
Any ideas that you have will be accepted...
15 points total.
8 Points
Would like to see annotations where things happen, e.g., calls
and returns. They should know that the Frame Pointer is the
old Stack Pointer.
2 Points
They should recognize the change in windows, i.e., a new register set,
maybe changes in wim/cwp.
2 Points
They should use out registers and in registers to pass parameters
and return results.
1 Point
A global register is fine for the count of the total number of calls.
2 Points
They should allocate appropriate space on the Stack for each call.
Looking for reasonable implementations and reasonable comments.
What are you to do?
Read the projects given to you and grade them using 15 points as total.
There is no specific answers, just a reasonable implementation and
Last modified Nov 2, 2001 by mike@cs.hmc.edu