CS 110 Arch/OS
Grading Fork Project
Quickly, read the projects given to you and grade them, based on
a 10 point scale.
All we are looking for here is a program that has:
Two process, a parent and child, where the parent forks the child
and the parent waits for the child to finish.
The shared variable is just a means to pass information, i.e.,
the sleep time.
Probably the most difficult task is finding the system call for
the date and time.
They need to setup the data structure correctly,
time_t Date1; do the correct call, Date1=time(NULL),
and use ctime to print out the date.
We asked that they somehow delineate the parent and child printouts.
They could do that a number of ways, e.g., a highlighter or unique
print characters for each or ?
I think you are really trying to see if they understand what they
are doing related to forks and system calls in general.
Points Issues
-2 or 3, No use of ctime
-5, No script file or No code
Last modified Sept 24, 2001 by mike@cs.hmc.edu