CS 110 Operating Systems
Priority Barber Shop Project Student Grading
Due on or before - 9 pm, 4 December
Do NOT change your code from what was turned in at 9pm on
the 1st.
Input Files:
pinput1 -
consumer sleep = 45
print shop contents
producer sleep = 3
general working; only officers and grunts. should see grunts
move up in the queue once start cutting hair. they will move as
a group because haircuts, not time is the priority mechanism,
and the delay in starting will make all grunts waiting the
same number of hair cuts.
Highlight and Annotate:
Each Grunt entry into Barber Shop and each grunt movement between queues.
pinput2 -
consumer sleep = 30
print shop contents
producer sleep = 2
tests priority movement between queues;
there will be multiple moves.
Highlight and Annotate:
Each Grunt entry into Barber Shop and each grunt movement between queues.
Implementation Evaluation:
The following grading criteria will be used.
20 points total.
10 Points
Description & implementation of how haircut counting and
grunt movement is done
(that was turned in, in your first submission).
10 Points
Performance on input1
Performance on input2
Where to Turn-In:
To the plastic bin outside Professor Erlinger's office.
Last modified Dec 2, 2001 by mike@cs.hmc.edu