Abstract & Commentary Grading
Abstract and Commentary Grading
I believe that everyone will do some grading in this class.
I am going to make grading assignments randomly.
If I need more grading at the end of the semester, then
abstract graders will get to repeat.
When given a grade sheet and a set of abstracts,
the grade sheet and abstracts should be returned within
a week.
I really do not want to badger you, so please grade quickly.
Abstract Grading Policy
For abstracts the grading is rather straight forward:
Read the Abstract.
Comment on spelling, proof reading, etc.
Make sure that abstract fits the required topic,
if any - at least is remotely tied to networking.
Make sure that there is some commentary on the worth of the
Grade on a 0, 1, 2
0 - very few, tried to sneak in something not appropriate
0 - or, no comments, just a summary.
1 - usual grade, a reasonable abstract
2 - very very few, a unique abstract, e.g., one year a student
read a book for each abstract and in some cases wrote the author
about the worth of the book.
Commentary Grading Policy
Commentaries require a little more effort.
Usually, there will be a series of questions or
a comparison required.
Your task is to determine the reasonableness of
the response.
Read the Commentary.
Comment on spelling, proof reading, etc. (usually just a po issue).
Evaluate whether the commentary satisfies the
i.e., questions reasonably answered,
reasonable comparisons, etc.
Grade on a 0, 3, 5, 7
0 - very few, tried to sneak in something not appropriate
3 - hopefully very few, a weak attempt, done quickly without much thought.
5 - usual grade, adequately fulfilled
the commentary requirements.
7 - hopefully many, really took the commentary to heart,
a deep or interesting analysis.
Mike Erlinger
Last Modified Thursday, 17-Jan-2008 13:52:28 PST