
Is it me you're looking for? I am George D. Montaņez, an associate professor of computer science at Harvey Mudd College. I obtained my PhD in machine learning from Carnegie Mellon University under the supervision of Cosma Shalizi, on the topic of why machine learning works.

I direct a large group of amazing research students who comprise the AMISTAD Lab, working on problems at the intersection of machine learning, information theory, and search.

I believe in science, namely, in the process of continually testing and mercilessly challenging our best theories. As a result, I believe that forcing researchers out of academia for questioning majority positions is a terrible way to seek truth, and is a self-defeating strategy that ultimately undercuts the trustworthiness of any resulting scientific consensus.

Previously, I have worked on problems related to computational biology, spatio-temporal learning, cross-device search, and the information properties of genetic algorithms. My current research explores why machine learning works from a search and dependence perspective, and identifies information constraints on general search processes.

I've won some fellowships and awards, but laurels wither quickly.

And my life is Yours
And my hope is in You only
And my heart You hold
'Cause You made this sinner holy.
- All Sons & Daughters, “Your Glory”

I love Jesus (Who is Jesus? If you'd like to learn more, I'd love to chat! Ask anytime!), my family, Mexican food, Latin America, diverse music, cinema, and trying to understand my place in the flow of human history.


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